Tutorial - Building Fairing Boards

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by flyfishingmonk, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    I don't have a blog, but I have asked about a billion questions on this forum and there are pictures all throughout. If you click on my username, a dropdown will come down. Go to "find all posts by CatBuilder" and you'll find pictures and a lot of questions.

    I've met Joel and Jaques at Bateau. That's a great company. Nice guys and extremely fair/honest people to do business with. They also know a lot about building boats and what products to use.

    Ever heard of WS Hunter Fly Fishing? Just seeing how small the world really is. :D
  2. flyfishingmonk
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    flyfishingmonk Junior Member

    CatBuilder - I checked out one of your threads and that is going to be an amazing boat! How long is it? That temp building you have is cool. You are going to have some great fun with that craft. How long do you suppose the whole project will take?

    I agree, those guys over at Bateau are good to do business with. I have only talked with them via email and their forum. I purchased my plans, epoxy and fiberglass from them along with some hardware.
  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

  4. flyfishingmonk
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    flyfishingmonk Junior Member

    Covet covet envy envy.
  5. Roy Gorman
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    Roy Gorman New Member

    I use 4" boards from 3' to 8' depending on the job, that way you can get floor paper from your local floor refinisher in appropriate grit [12" width] and rip it to fit. The handles are the rounded door pulls mounted parallel to the board,and on center line about 1 1/2 shoulder length apart. No backing is needed if you use the X method of sanding to keep or build fair radius. Score the back of the paper and just snap it off. The fine stuff can be air file sandpaper mounted on an appropriate board sold in your mass handyman store.
  6. sabahcat
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    sabahcat Senior Member

    I make all my boards from foam or nidaplast sandwich with glued, light carpet on the face (frontrunner)
    On the ends on the same side as the handles I glue on a pad of 12mm ply, width of sandpaper x 50mm.
    I use normal sandpaper off of a roll and bend the paper around the end and past the 12mm ply
    then sandwich it between a piece of 6mm ply and put 2 screws through it into the 12mm ply holding the paper in place

    Much faster and cheaper than gluing paper on
    Much lighter and easier to use than ply
  7. themanshed
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    themanshed Senior Member

    I use a few different tools. For a long board I use thin 1/8" flexible plywood and put one layer of carbon on it. The carbon cleans easy and makes the board stiff yet flexible. I used some drawer handles that I can get my hands in for handles. I buy sand paper by the roll and made the board wide enough for 3 strips. So the same roll will work for the in line air sander for roughing in the work or the long board for finish.

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  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Thanks for all the great ideas, guys.
  9. jblack
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    jblack New Member

    The job is the bottom of a 30-footer. What boards would you suggest?
    Thanks for the help
  10. boatman36
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    boatman36 New Member

    Definitely Flexicat Tools, it works great!

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  11. boatman36
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    boatman36 New Member

  12. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    I feel a duty to post here.

    I ended up making a pair of fairing boards for $0 plus the cost of sand paper and spray adhesive.

    There is no need to buy anything.

    Take some 1"+ wooden dowels and cut them into 5" long pieces.
    Carefully measure what half of a 9x11 standard sheet of sand paper is (4 1/2")

    Find a piece of scrap 1/4" plywood.

    Cut the plywood into a piece that is 33" long x 4 1/2" wide.

    Use deck screws to screw into the face of the plywood and pick up the pair of dowels for handles on the other side.

    Spray some spray adhesive to the side with screws in it (non dowel side) and stick 1/2 sheets of sand paper (cut the long way) on the board.

    The board takes 3 (qty) half sheets of standard, cheap 9x11 sand paper.

    When the paper wears down, just pull it off and stick a new set on with spray adhesive.

    Cost is literally $0 if you have dowels, 1/4" scrap plywood and spray adhesive around.

    All you pay for is cheap, standard 9x11 sand paper sheets.

    I can post a picture of this if someone needs it. Let me know.
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  13. Northman
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    Northman Junior Member

    Please do!
  14. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    You can also buy it on the roll. Google "sandpaper roll" or "emery cloth roll" or "aluminum oxide roll" or "sanding roll" and it pops up right away in many kinds...

    Try image search for a quick overview . . :idea:

    Some examples: - 1 - - 2 -

    [​IMG] - [​IMG]

    See: Flexovit, 3M, etc.

    Good luck!

    P.S. - Oops... just saw, the rolls are also mentioned in post #21 & #22 . . . :eek:

  15. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Finally, I am getting around to getting a picture of the free fairing boards up. You can make a bendy one by using the plywood in one direction, or a stiff one by using the plywood at 90 degrees to the bendy one.

    These boards cost me $0 (not including cases of regular, 9x11 sand paper and cans of spray adhesive). They have approximately 300 hours of sanding on them and still going strong.


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