Tsunami Survival Pod

Discussion in 'Press Releases' started by Matt.D, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. Matt.D
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  2. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    One has to carry it around on his shoulders as he/she moves in the endangered areas, or what? :)
  3. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Standing on top of a hill works really well too, but then you need to survive the aftermath...

  4. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    A tsunami at sea is nothing --it can even pass by unnoticed . It is when it hits shallow water or land that it manifests destruction.
  5. PAR
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    That's one of the most absurd things I've ever seen. Frosty's correct, at sea there's no need for it and if on land, the G forces of being strapped in a 55 gallon drum, being tossed around like a cork, will snap the necks of the occupants.
  6. Matt.D
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    Matt.D Junior Member

    Already got it covered, pax wear helmets with tethers not unlike drag or race cars to avoid neck snapping.
  7. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    I'm pretty sure someone will buy it.
  8. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    The only way I would be interested would be if there were holes in the bottom for me to stick my legs through and walk about.
  9. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    LOL!!! :D :D :D
  10. PAR
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    Using a "Hans" devise to prevent rapid head movement doesn't do a thing for your internal origins, which will also slam about, as it's pitched around. These internal injuries are what kill most, in rapid acceleration/deceleration incidents.
  11. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    PAR, it's imho pointless to discuss this thing at any serious technical or operational level.
    Issues (immediate ones):
    - one has to be nearby one of these when tsunami hits
    - one needs to have enough time to get into that coffin, fasten himself, wear a helmet, fasten the helmet, close the hatch and make a prayer
    - one need to be trained to do the above operations, and should go through drills every so often
    - it can do nothing for your survival when the mass of mud and debris firmly clamps you to the bottom
    - will cost a hell lots
    - you're more likely te die from a heart attack inside one of these than running for a higher ground
    - you're more likely to survive if you get to a higher ground than if you wait for your destiny inside that stuff
    - etc.
    Many other can be found if one just stops and thinks it over.

    But, as I said, someone will for sure buy that stuff. Probably the same type of persons who spend a fortune to build and equip a high-tech anti-nuclear refuge at their home basements.
    They make a very small but rich market niche. Well, just like pleasure boaters do, after all. :)
  12. Matt.D
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  13. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Organs, I presume...
  14. PAR
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  15. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    It needs to be tested................ I suggest Niagra Falls. I would do what Frosty says put in 2 little leg holes so if you get caught in a whirlpool you can frog kick your way out.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
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