Trying to reduce raw side fairing work on 1708/1808

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Bullshipper, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Bullshipper
    Joined: May 2008
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    Bullshipper Bullshipper

    I would like to reduce the amount of fairing work on my 3 piece boats that have no glossy smooth inner liner to cover the raw bumpy inner sides.

    I have tried using CSM over the 1708 and 1808 to smooth its bumpy pattern, but I am wondering if a Continuous Strand Veil or a Synthetic Surface Veil as the last applied layer would be more effective to make a smoother more stabilized surface than the CSM vertical open molds.

    I know that vacuum liners help with this, but am exploring other options

    Anyone have any experience or advice?
  2. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Started doing 3/4 oz csm with peel ply over top hand layed. Usually have a seam to sand as I've gone to smaller pieces of peel ply as it's a pita to put on a hand layup. Wish I'd of started sooner on lots of things it's a lot less surface profile.
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  3. Bullshipper
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    Bullshipper Bullshipper

    I have never used peel ply so forgive my ignorance

    So you are laying down the last layer of 1708, and while still wet, wetting out the csm and while that is wet rolling out the peel ply over the wet surface in pieces as you finish laying the CSM ??
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  4. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _


    And it doesn't have to be "Peel Ply" the brand name.
    Someone here can identify the type of plastic compatible.
    It leaves a nice smooth finish minimizing sanding.

  5. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Yes although I'll have to try and dig up some pictures next week when I'm back down near the boat. The CSM plus peel ly Smooths it a little bit more than peel ply alone. And the lay up is exactly as you described my combination mat a lightweight CSM layer and then peel ply over the top.

  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    The only caution I'd mention is be careful about gel kick times. If you are close to gelation; you cannot adjust the peelply and can result in a finish disaster. Fortunately, I learned this lesson in a bilge!
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