Trying To Live In An Egg...

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Sean Herron, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Chase_B
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    Chase_B Junior Member

    the system I showed worked well with the 26' and 24' sail boats ,..and the brakes where electric so the tow vehicle actuated the brakes ,..
  2. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Retractable hitch ---ha ha get it ---ha ha --.

    Listen here marriage sucks big time it a mugs game, I got a girl friend who still washes my socks after 23 years. She thinks im great and is even able to over look my deficiencies.

    Sex is the price a woman pays for marriage and marriage is the price a man pays for sex,--supposedly.
  3. masalai
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    masalai masalai

    Such is life...

    Come over and buy my boat, then you can easily cruise up to Thailand and learn the ropes of contentment with Frosty's tutelage and misguidance...
  4. Chase_B
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    Chase_B Junior Member

    your obviously not from the states there Frosty, in the states,..if I want it ,..she gives it to me, wasn't in the girl/guy contract or the marriage contract for either of us ,
    and that you put sex in the same breathe as wash my sox,.. says allot about you buuuddyy
  5. SheetWise
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    SheetWise All Beach -- No Water.

    Sure does. It say he gets it.

  6. viking north
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    viking north VINLAND

    Ya he's brave either because his woman can't read english or doesn't know the password :)
  7. masalai
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    masalai masalai

    Read the second line of my "signature" for some advice in reading "drivel" ....... as posted by strangers... OOops, sorry frosty, were you planning to continue with the entertainment?
  8. Chase_B
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    Chase_B Junior Member

    I'll notify the papers,..but they will probably not print it ,..this is the internet ,..where 1 winged airplanes can land safely,..whales can jump and clear a 45 foot mast on a sail boat ,.and Frosty gets laid while his woman washes his socks ha ha
  9. viking north
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    viking north VINLAND

    What say we find a way Frostys woman gets a copy of this-- The egg could get roomier
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  10. yipster
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    yipster designer

    You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave


    Mirrors on the ceiling,The pink champagne on ice.
    And she said ’we are all just prisoners here, of our own device’

    well, apart from problems with broads most of us have, these famous dutch sky's are rather grey most of the time and gettin a litle older and hope wiser i gave up on the thought to stay commited with having a decent boat but than started looking at an GMG camper or a better priced winnebago. was thinking of buying in and travellin the usa again and shipping it here. be a lot cheaper and faster to drive than sail to the med too. but found a winni had to be stored in this country, no free parking, to big and money low and what would i be doing in the states again anyway so went for a smaller ford transit westfalia camper. still have to make it to the med but its nice and the idea so far seems sound. only thing is i mis the waterfront and a boat. came acros this hybrid, now i want mine to swim too, or dont i..
  11. viking north
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    viking north VINLAND

    Built my land yacht-motorcycle inside-- travel south in the winter-- Building another sea yacht, this time regardless of offers will keep it -- to sail Atlantic waters in the summer-- One needs two yachts and like eggs :)

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  12. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    Sorry guys, don't mean to let the crew down but I'm 64 and a week ago got back into the ring after 38years soloing.
    Going on a sailing honeymoon for 2 weeks in French Med and looking fwd to being bad.

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  13. SheetWise
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    SheetWise All Beach -- No Water.

    Check out the radar and auto-pilot. Good luck on seeing 65.
  14. masalai
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    masalai masalai

    Congrats and enjoy your new lifestyle and commitment... You look like you married another "forever young Gemini"...

  15. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Geez Im nowhere near 64 and done all that years ago, Err but I hav'nt lived in an egg yet --im waiting for advise on this.
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