Trying to find the model of this Fiberform boat

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Roth, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. Roth
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    Roth New Member

    Does anybody know the model number of this Fiberform boat, it seems that is from 1973, and where I can find the VIN or any identification number? It has no engine; it is just the empty shell.

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  2. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    If it has a Hull Identification Number(HIN) it would be on the upper right corner (facing the transom from behind the boat) of the transom. However being a 73 model it may not have one. The regulation requiring HINs took affect in 1972 for 1973 models and a lot of manufacturers didn't put them on until the next year. look here for info on Fiberform up to 1971 Fiberform - Classic Boat Library
    another thread on Fiberform is at General help/questions 1980 Fiberform 22
    and advice on buying old fiberform
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  3. bajansailor
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  4. Roth
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    Roth New Member

    Thank you, Ike, for your information and links. I was able to find the HIN right where you suggest, now I just have to try to find the related VIN of that HIN, because the only title that I have shows as VIN the one that belongs to the trailer, despite that in the title says boat. The HID starts with FBF26, but sites like or or don't return any information. By any chance, do you know any other website where to find this information? I can post the boat's HID, but I don't know if that is something allowed in this forum.
  5. Roth
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    Roth New Member

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  6. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    The only site I know of that posts old catalogs for boats from the 50s, 60s, and 70's is Fiberglassics. There are sites such as iboats that discuss various brands and models. Many of these discussions have moved to Facebook. Try a search on Facebook. You may find and owners site. Fiberform was very popular in the Pacific Northwest and I see them frequently.
    The HIN associated with the boat is as thus. The first three characters, FBF s the Manufacturer Identification Code assigned by the Coast Guard. The next five characters are assigned by the manufacturer, and can be any combo except they can't use I, O, or Q. Some manufacturers bury a model name in those five characters. Others don't. The last four characters have too conform to the Coast Guard rules, and contain the date of manufacture and model year. read this The HIN format was different in the 70's so it may be in one of two formats. Scroll down to page 5 where it says HINs prior to 1984. The last four digits could look like 1075 or M75J.. They both mean the model year is a 75 (in your case it should be 73) and the were produced in the 10th month, which back then was May. (tenth month of the model Year starting with A for August, B for September and so on to July, (the 12 month) of the next year. For instance a 1973 model year started in Aug 1972 and ran to July 1973.

    two sources may help, but it will cost. NADA produces a used boat guide, and BUC produces a used boat guide. Boat Values, Prices, Evaluations, Used Boat Price Guides - BUCValu theese usually list all the models produced for a model year, but they are not free.

    Of course this doesn't help you find the model.. But it give you more info. And sites like boatfax are useless for old boats.
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  7. Roth
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    Roth New Member

    IKE, thank you very much for your information, it really helps me a lot!!
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