Truck Tarp on Steel Frame, CUBE Sailboat with Water Keel

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by MtUmut Sarac, Sep 30, 2024.

  1. MtUmut Sarac
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    MtUmut Sarac Junior Member

    I have no space, money, tools, transport to build a boat. Building Construction steel nerved rods are cheapest and strongest material I can find. I can go to a building construction site , pay little money and they can cut from the stock and give me. They use these rods as a composite in concrete. I can make a cube with rods and this would be the frame and cover with thick 1000 denier polyester abs coated truck TIR tarp. I can add a steel rod mast and steel rod keel water filled . Dimensions 120X120X120 cms. I am overdosed with endless scientific literature and I am an archaeologist not a mit professor or graduate.
    I think it sails slowly from point a to b with following land line. I see at marseille france boat club , boats for children , longer larger , low height and totally flat lines. I have no intention to add a rocker. May be I add plywood to the bottom to sit. All controls from inside , no sun , rain, storm, wind inside. May be I can add a safety plastic film covering on all boat on tarp.
    This is my damned boat.

  2. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Your determination to build a boat is admirable. Here is my salute to you.

    You will almost surely need a floor of some kind. A sheet of plywood will probably be satisfactory. I urge you to wear a flotation jacket when you are inside that floating object.

    As much as I admire your creativity, I also urge you to build a real boat of wood instead of the re-bar and tarp box that will be unstable if not proportioned well. You can build something like the PDR boat for very little money and probably less time than the "boat" that you have proposed. PDR plans can be found free on the internet. Cheap, simple, proven fun, and reasonable safety.
    bajansailor likes this.
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You will surely sink and die with that plan. Are you still trying to go from Turkey to Europe by water?
    bajansailor likes this.
  4. clmanges
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    clmanges Senior Member

    It most certainly would be. You have access to plywood; find a free plan you like off the internet and build a proper boat instead. Maybe look into one of these:
    Puddle Duck Racer - Easiest Sailboat to Build and Race
    You can build a semi-enclosed cabin on it and stretch out to sleep in the thing if you have to. That would beat sleeping with the fishes, which is what your rebar contraption might get you.
  5. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

  6. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

  7. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    That boat will end up in the bottom of the sea. I cannot ‘like’ Gonzo’s post, but he is probably correct. Please do not build a boat from rebar and a tarp; you will perish.
  8. jmwoodring
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    jmwoodring Junior Member

    This post reminds me of some of the "chugs" I saw in Florida that had been used to get people across from Cuba to the USA. They were made of an odd assortment of material, but were skillfully crafted. I'm going to start another thread to discuss this topic.
  9. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    A ferro boat is often framed up with bar, and some fabric inflatable craft have circumnavigated. I dont suggest its a great idea, but, if he can find re-bar than can be bent by hand, that could be used for frames/ribs and lashed together. We dont know what he wants to use it for. He might be better off looking for an old shipping pallet and some plastic drums if he just wants something that will float.
    People with no money, no tools and limited materials are always going to build a sub-optimal boat, does this mean you would not try to escape the desert island?
  10. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    He is in Instanbul and wants to sail several hundred miles to Greece across the Aegean Sea. Does this mean he ought to craft a boat frame with rebar and discarded, weakened truck tarps full of holes? Come on man.
  11. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Actually he trolls us. We've discussed SOF (sail)boats on this forum, there is enough inspiration. Welding the frame from rebar is perfectly doable, even if heavy and not ideal. The heavy variety of PVC coated truck tarp isn't significantly different from inflatable boat PVC coated fabric.
    With the help of a few cans of expanding foam and some intelligent design choices one can make a perfectly safe sailing boat that will float even after an orca visit.
    Yet, the OP is still trolling us proposing a CUBE to sail in.
    fallguy likes this.
  12. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I appreciate your comments. But if he trolls us, then all the more surely we must not accept his suggestions.
  13. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    A CUBE !!!!!! Is he a Borg?
  14. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Where did he write that?

  15. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The location is next to his name. The plan to sail to Greece is part of his long list of threads. By now he could have walked there.
    clmanges and fallguy like this.
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