Trophée Jules Vernes 2020

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Dolfiman, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. Dolfiman
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Two Ultims will attack this winter the Trophée Jules Vernes held since 2017 by Francis Joyon and his team on IDEC sport in 40 d 23 h 30 min 30 s.
    Gitana 17 started the stand-by process which consists in waiting for the optimal meteo window responsible for the performance of at least the first quarter of the race, a process detailed in this video with English subtitles.

    Sodebo3 is also in this intention but may be with a slight delay because they hitted a floating debris on 8 oct., damaging a bit one foil. After a careful checking, the foil is reparable locally in a quite short delay and don't prevent Thomas Coville and his team to be ready too in November to challenge the Trophée.
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  2. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Good news from Sodebo 3 : they could repair the central daggerboard (equiped with a foil) and a foil following the hitting at high speed of a floating object during a training sailing in October. They return to training to get the crew back in shape and for the check process of the repairs, before a new beginning of the stand-by sequence.
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  3. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

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