Trojan wood motor cruiser catalogue from 1967

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by bajansailor, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I had previously posted this catalogue of Trojan Boats from 1967 on here 5 years ago, but the photos were posted in Photobucket here -
    Trojan wood motor cruiser range - 1967 catalogue
    And Photobucket are now demanding lots of money in exchange for unblurring my photos :(
    This original thread appears to be too old to edit now, and I refuse to pay them money to un-blurr the photos, so I thought I would re-post this catalogue here as attachments instead.

    The first 15 pages are shown below - seems like 15 attachments is my limit, so the remaining 7 will follow. Trojan P 1 001.jpg Trojan P 2 001.jpg Trojan P 3 001.jpg Trojan P 4 001.jpg Trojan P 5 001.jpg Trojan P 6 001.jpg Trojan P 7 001.jpg Trojan P 8 001.jpg Trojan P 9 001.jpg Trojan P 10 001.jpg Trojan P 11 001.jpg Trojan P 12 001.jpg Trojan P 13 001.jpg Trojan P 14 001.jpg Trojan P 15 001.jpg
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    And here are the final 7 pages - there should have been one more, for the 36' and 38' boats, but that page had been torn out sadly and is missing.

    Trojan P 16 001.jpg Trojan P 17 001.jpg Trojan P 18 001.jpg Trojan P 19 001.jpg Trojan P 20 001.jpg Trojan P 21 001.jpg Trojan P 22 001.jpg
  3. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Wow. Does that bring back memories. When I was a teenager I loved their boats. I even had a little electric powered model of one of their express cruisers. I think their designs are still really beautiful. They look so much better then the more modern euro styled plastic bubble boats popular today. Thanks for posting this. I too gave up on Photobucket. I now host my photos on my own on-line storage that I get with my web site. I'm paying for the web site so I might as well use the storage that comes with it.
    bajansailor likes this.
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I remember I salvaged this catalogue (along with the Lyman catalogue that I also posted) out of a rubbish bin about 45 years ago - the bin belonged to a friend of my Dad who had been in the market for purchasing a boat in the late 60's.
    He ended up buying a 26' fibreglass Pacemaker Alglas sportsfisherman - maybe this was for the better (re maintenance) but the Trojans were much prettier, definitely.
    And Ike I agree absolutely that boats like these are timeless re their classic styling, and light years better than the modern eurostyle bubbles which all look very similar.
    Re your model of a Trojan express cruiser, I found these folk selling 1:12 scale kits for the F 31 -
    DUM1205 Trojan Cabin Cruiser Wooden Boat Kit Dumas for sale online | eBay
    Although the F 31 was one of their early fibreglass models, rather than timber.
    Was your model similar to this one in the video?

  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Yes but it didn't have the fly bridge, just the cabin.
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