trimaran boat - peddlewheels

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Youssef Safwat, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. Youssef Safwat
    Joined: Jun 2019
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    Youssef Safwat New Member

    Im new to this hoppy.

    I have build my own trimaran boat, its not rc , its some-kind of robotic where I drive it with my phone, i use 2 6v motors as u see and i want to use pedals not fans.

    Please give me your opinions and feedbacks

    i dont have ideas to create the peddle wheels

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  2. Magnus W
    Joined: Nov 2017
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    Magnus W Senior Member

    Judging by the looks of your build I can only assume that this is an expendable design, perhaps only one time and one way.
    What is the purpose this little vessel? And why is it that propellers are out of the picture – given the narrow placement of the engines you won't get much in the way of manoeuvrability so you'll need all the grip you can get.
  3. fredrosse
    Joined: Jan 2005
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    fredrosse USACE Steam

    I am assuming that the picture shows a USB plug, and therefore the boat is about 20 cm long?
    Paddle propulsion can work OK as shown, turning a disc of about 3 to 5 cm diameter, with about 8 paddles, about 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm. size.

    One problem is that this type of small electric motor will normally run at several thousand revolutions per minute, however you would want to have the paddlewheels turning about 10% of that speed. If you use the small high speed motors with no gear reduction they will have trouble producing enough to push the boat.
  4. Youssef Safwat
    Joined: Jun 2019
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    Youssef Safwat New Member

    The boat is for fun :), i want to use peddles because im loving those river peddle boats

  5. Youssef Safwat
    Joined: Jun 2019
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    Youssef Safwat New Member

    The boat is 30cm long, this usb to connect the circuit to power bank to power it and there is 4 batteries inside to power the 2 motors, i log in to the boat from my phone and i give it commands to move forward/backward and to turn left/right by powering one side motor of the two based on the direction i need, so i power the left motor to turn right or i power the right motor to turn left.

    Regarding your suggestions about the peddle you are totally right i will try to have slower motors if possible thanks for notify me, im software engineer so im not good in mechanics and dynamics etc
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