Trika 540 trimaran

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  2. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Trika 540

    Great find! Maybe a little more freeboard on the main hull? Looks like a lot of fun...
    Specs(also see pdf below)
    --main hull 5.4m/ 17.7'
    --main hull beam .7m/ 2.3'
    --draft .12/.7m 4.7"/2.3'
    --ama length 3.34m / 11'
    --beam max 3.28m / 10.76'
    --ama buoyancy 85 liter
    --main 5.5 sq.m / 59.18 sq.ft.
    --jib 2.3sq.m. / 24.75 sq.ft.
    --mast height 5.1m / 16.73'
    Weight(minus crew)-70kg / 154lb

    Attached Files:

  3. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I'd think of it as a trimaran to sail in protected waters where you want something thats lightweight and easily driven, slips along nicely.
  4. pogo
    Joined: Mar 2010
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    Jepp, dolles Ding !

  5. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    The boat looks like a nice light wind, protected area boat.
    As a kayak it looks much too wide for comfort and I wonder why it is so wide for the Trimaran mode.
    Looks like it obviously has less than 100% flotation in the amas, which goes along with the freestanding rig. You will not be able to generate a great deal of power due to the small sail area, but the total design was set up with that in mind.

    The boat seems to have a consistant SOR and is nicely done for the basic assumptions.
    Personally I would not want the akas pivoting from the centerline, it seems safer to do it from the side of the boat.

    Herr Metz provided some in construction photos and the boat looks very professionally laid out.
  6. Munter
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    Munter Amateur

    Nice light boat. The rig tuning still clearly has a way to go. The jib luff dissappears off a long way to leeward in some of those shots.
  7. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    According Metz it's a simple multi-purpose craft, such a specification book can only be fulfilled by making compromises. Neither nor, so what ?
    However, an " Ideal Standard" for inshore trekking ( campingstyle) or after work sailing ( Feierabendboot).

  8. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    I need to correct something I said.
    The main hull beam is 21" (0.7M). Not very wide for a kayak.
    Somehow I let my impressions from the video and the build pictures overwhelm my ability to convert the measurement.


    You might notice I said it looks like a "consistent SOR and is nicely done for the set of assumptions". Hopefully if you read that you would see that for its purpose I like it very much - there will always be a few exceptions.
  9. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    What means "SOR" ?

  10. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    Sorry, SOR = Statement of Requirements.

    Its just a record of what was intended with the design.
    As Metz stated, inshore treking and after work sailing. Thanks for the translation, I would not have understood.

    I also assumed that easily moving the boat by car topping looked to be important.
  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Up-.7m= 2.296'=27.6"
  12. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    You wouldn't think I was a mechanical engineer would you?

    OK, two fails. I still can't do the conversion right.
    Obvious when you point it out.
  13. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante



  14. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    In "real" terms: 1m = 3.28' = 39.36"
    Therefore .7m = .7 x 39.36" = 27.552"

    Close enough to what my helpful buddies pointed out. :p:p:)

    I'll pay more attention next time.

  15. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Triraid 560

    more from and designer Klaus Metz on the new version:

    The new TriRaid 560 trimaran was designed in cooperation with Roger Mann, who is well known in the WaterTribe community.

    Roger purchased Trika 540 plans two months ago. After discussing his needs – he wants to participate in the 1200-mile UFC next year – we decided to design a more capable boat.

    Because of the tight time frame it was important to keep the design as simple as possible. Roger wanted to use the Hobie TI rig, akas and Mirage Drive thus there were less components to build. (Thus, I am calling the boat “TriRaid 560 RM” (Roger-Mann-Version :)

    here is the link to the full article on small trimarans

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