Trapper 400

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Vallich, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Vallich
    Joined: Aug 2013
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    Vallich New Member

    Hi All

    Very happy to be aboard this forum and now looking forward to contributing and finding out more about sailing. In particular is there anybody reading this who knows where I can get a copy of a manual for a Trapper 400? I did a search here and even checked the dedicated Trapper website but no luck so far!

    Thanks in advance for all replies.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    A manual ? Would they have actually have published an operating manual for it ?
  3. bajansailor
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  4. Vallich
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    Vallich New Member

    Thank you very much. Bajansailor, my boat is named Madtrapper! At least I now have some detailed info', thanks again.
  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

  6. Vallich
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    Vallich New Member

    Yes it's the same boat - just checked, my boat's sail is K6042 in bright red, so that means I've bought a celebrity? Such a lovely boat and there's a commerative plaque inside that refers to the boat being in the Three Peaks Race a few years ago also. I'm even more proud of the boat...
  7. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Photobucket will no longer allow the scanned copies of my Trapper 400 catalogue to be displayed, so I shall re-post them as simple attachments now.
    Trapper 400 P 0.jpg Trapper 400 P 1.jpg Trapper 400 P 2.jpg Trapper 400 P 3.jpg Trapper 500 P 01.jpg
  8. cptn.backstrap
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    cptn.backstrap New Member

    hey bajansailor, im new to this site and I have a 1970s fiberform 2450 boat I have been looking for any kind of service or owner manual for like 3 years on and off and today is the first time I have ever seen any kind of hope in finding something to help me with maybe wiring diagrams or anything really except I see all these pics on a different page that you posted but photobucket apparently is holding your precious info ransom or something what does a guy have to do to try getting any kind of info about my boat. any help would be greatly appreciated im just a poor kid who loves to fish thanks.

  9. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    19 - Fiberform 2450 Bermuda 001.jpg Hello Captain Backstrap,
    I have been meaning to re-post my Fiberform catalogue as well after finding that Photobucket are now demanding a subscription of US$ 500 per year for allowing me to use their services - no thanks.
    I shall go and do that now - in the meantime here is (I hope) a copy of the page re your 2450.
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