Transom rebuild / redesign

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Cumulonimbus, May 16, 2024.

  1. Cumulonimbus
    Joined: May 2024
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    Cumulonimbus Junior Member

    Hi all,

    First post here but a long term boat enthusiast.

    Im rebuilding a 5.3m fibreglass boat and about to install the new transom. The existing skin is 20 inches but i will be reinstating to 25inches to cater to a 25 inch shaft outboard. All new boats in Australia are now 25 inch.

    My question is - See image attached. Can i rebuild the new transom to the red area? i dont want such a large opening at the back just enough to trim and steer the outboard which will be on a hydraulic jacking plate.

    Edit- how the hell do you put an image in your post? this site must be from the 50s
  2. Cumulonimbus
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    Cumulonimbus Junior Member

  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    You can do it. Much depends on the existing construction. Working from inside the splashwell; you can determine existing construction. If it is say two pieces of 3/4” ply; you can rabbet one layer off some 2”? and then epoxy bond the new piece to it. Then grind back gel and glass and bond glass to old glass, not gel.

    Ask more questions once you know existing construction.
  4. Cumulonimbus
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    Cumulonimbus Junior Member

    thanks mate. Yes i know i can do it and know how but just wondering if the new outboard will have enough room to steer all the way. The original openning looks too wide
  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    You need to find the rigging sheet for your selected OB and determine the distances.
  6. Cumulonimbus
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    Cumulonimbus Junior Member

    just got off the phone with Mercury, thanks mate

  7. C. Dog
    Joined: May 2022
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    The outboard manufacturer will supply drawings with all the information you need. I can look if you give me motor details. Keep in mind it needs clearance to turn while tilted.

    Which hull & motor do you have?
    fallguy likes this.
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