Transom rebuild question - Avon searider SR5.4

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by foivos, May 2, 2024.

  1. foivos
    Joined: May 2024
    Posts: 15
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    Location: Perth / Australia

    foivos Junior Member

    Dear All,

    I almost completed the structural part of the transom, I need to complete the tabbing that attaches to the hull, but it got its shape and it is looking solid.


    I have a question, if anyone can help. How can I fair the curved part of the transom where the pontoons are attached? It has few dents and bumps, and the best I can think of is to get a large diameter bucket cover it with sand paper and use that to sand. Alternatively, any ideas how I can fill in with fairing compound that will actually be with the correct radius? Any tips on methods/tools most appreciated.


    Again many thanks for all the help, the information I got from the forum was crucial for me to come to this stage with my boat. Getting there!

    Have a great day,
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