Transom Pods - Flotation and Extended Planing Surface

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by tpenfield, Aug 16, 2022.

  1. tpenfield
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    tpenfield Senior Member

    Another Update . . .

    I am leaning towards a sell & buy approach to transition to outboard engines. I have done some rough calculations and the cost of outboards and their related digital controls would be pretty expensive. I would probably end up having to buy new engines (or at least plan on having to buy new), as the lightly used engine market seems to be fairly depleted, given the strong demand for outboards over the past 5 years.
    ondarvr and fallguy like this.
  2. tpenfield
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    tpenfield Senior Member

    Yet another update . . .

    Change of plans . . . The boat is really a keeper with the exception of the I/O engines. Soooo . . . I will be doing an outboard conversion starting next year (2025). I probably will run the boat as an I/O for the 2025 season and do the conversion starting about Sept 2025, so as to be running with outboards for the 2026 boating season (Northeast USA).

    In the meantime, I am getting advice from some nautical engineering folks that I know, as well as information from the boat manufacturer and other sources. The plan is to do the design work over the next few months and be ready to go after boating season ends next year.

    I'll start a new thread once I start moving forward.
    ondarvr and bajansailor like this.

  3. tpenfield
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    tpenfield Senior Member

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