Transom and stringer layup schedule

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Aransas Flats Rat, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Aransas Flats Rat
    Joined: Sep 2018
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

    I am currently looking for recommendations on glassing my transom (layup schedule) I have a thread but it was recommended I start one on this subject.

    Long story short, I purchased a 19’ Tunnel Vee hull and gutted it down to the hull skin,
    Original design

    Currently I have replaced the transom core in this schedule:
    Cleaned and removed all delaminated glass
    Replaced the ply core with 3/4 marine ply one layer all sides and three layers on clamping area(2.25” thick).
    Cleaned up before adding new core

    The ply core was attached with thickened epoxy to the existing 3/16” hull skin and fillets in all corners and taped with two layers of 1708.

    Pic does not show the additional layer 3/4 ply core (bulkhead) that is laminated to the existing motor board and running P to S.

    Boat was originally designed for a 140 hp and currently has a 115 two stroke.

    Thank you for your recommendation and please feel free to ask if additional information is needed and I will do my best to post pics and/or answers.
  2. Aransas Flats Rat
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

    Materials on hand:
    Marine epoxy
    6” 1708
    50” wide 1708
    Thickening flour
    1/2 marine ply
    3/4 marine ply
  3. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    The glass and resin you’re using are much stronger materials than used in the original build. so if you rebuild it back to close to original you’ll be fine.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
  4. Aransas Flats Rat
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

    Thanks, sorry for all the threads just trying to get it figured out.
  5. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Don't be sorry Flats Rat. Your pictures and descriptions are better than many of our inquirers. It is evident from the first photo that you are a craftsman with some tenure. You have the JD tractor that lifts the motor, the impact wrench that uses air which implies an air compressor and a few other tools that we gear head types accumulate. Chances are good that you will pull off the repairs more than adequately. :)
  6. Aransas Flats Rat
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

    I Went ahead and glassed the the transom section, used two layers of 1708 overlapped side by 8”. I had a heck of a time trying to cut all the angles on angles on angles, I planned on overlapping to the hull as well but by the time I cut one corner the other was off wrinkled, twisted bowed you name it . So I opted to just cut them flush with bottom and cut the tape separately. It was suggest to overlap the hull bottom 8”. I have plenty of 6” 1708 tape but ran out of the clothe. E980AEAD-6773-4E7F-9CA7-38A18AD84110.jpeg
  7. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Ondarvr; OP wants some opinion on how much overlap the new fabric onto the hull...his dryfit of glass shows little to none at the transom box; he might have some 4-8" tape on there now...can you throw him your opinion?
  8. Aransas Flats Rat
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

    Fallguy, I got her glassed up, I cut 8” strips and taped the transom boxes in. Man that was a job with all the angles on angles, there is a few pin bubbles here and there. I worked them out the best I could but it seemed the more I worked it the more they came.
  9. Aransas Flats Rat
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

  10. Aransas Flats Rat
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

    So up to now I have glassed transom in with this:

    1. Grinned all clean
    2. wiped down hull skin with acetone
    3. Smoothed out all corners (inside and out) with thickened epoxy
    4. Taped all corners with two offset layers of 1708

    5. Installed 3/4 plywood core with thickened epoxy (drilled small holes through hull skin and used drywall screws with fender washers, pumped screws tight until epoxy started to squeeze out)
    6. Taped all corners with 1708 two offset layers
    7. Cut 1708 cloth and layed out two layers overlapping

    I was unable to get the 8” overlap onto the hull cut correctly so I cut 16” strips and added it over the two layers and onto the hull.

    8. In the pictures shown it does not show the additional 3/4” bulkhead that laminates to the existing transom to complete the box frame, I figured I need to install stringers first then notch the bulkhead to fit over them.

    That’s were I am at this point waiting to here back to see if I need to do anything else for the transom before adding in stringers.
    fallguy likes this.
  11. Aransas Flats Rat
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

    Got P and S stringers cut and laminated, two layers of 1/2 laminated with offset joints. Original was 3/4 ply, butt joined with no glue and screwed together with sheet rock screws and they were not tied to transom or bow deck bulkhead, they stopped about 12” short. I cut them to attach to transom and bow bulkhead.
    44DA533E-0580-4EF8-9A1D-2ACFC33B698D.jpeg CCC7D15D-2FF0-4D92-8814-D84F16375656.jpeg
  12. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Looking good to me.

    Must be the holidays killing attendance here.

    Install stringers; lift them up a bit and bed in thixo.
  13. Aransas Flats Rat
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

    I’m out of 1708 cloth can’t even get delivery until the 4 th .

    I have plenty of 1708 tape. Will than work?
  14. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    It will work. Did you ever get a schedule?

  15. Aransas Flats Rat
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    Aransas Flats Rat Senior Member

    No never got a response
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