Tour boat design help needed - low wake, high speed, shallow draft ... oxymoron

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by yodani, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. yodani
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    yodani Senior Member

  2. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Yes, and this boat is 3.5m wide, designed for railway transportation. We have developed 10m version of this hull, but not complete yet. This is full planning boat, not optimum for low speeds.
  3. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    In general, for Your case it could be custom design - more expensive but serves the purpose.
  4. yodani
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    yodani Senior Member

    I got it... Well just as an idea this is what I am looking for...sort of.

    By the way I asked for a quote from a local boat builder to build a 10x3m M-hull out of fibre glass and this is what he gave me:

    Plug: 37000 euro 8 month duration
    Mould: 25000 euro one month duration
    Hull: 13750 euro, 3 weeks
    Decking - 5500 euro 6 weeks

    How do you think they are? I have no clue and nothing to compare it to. I know is a dumb question but ...
  5. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Plug for 8 months??
    For instance, this company built first 10m cat in 4 months, from loft drawing delivery, building set of molds... to launching. Yes, they worked hard...
  6. yodani
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    yodani Senior Member

    Yeah... I was saying the same thing. They where working the mould old stile and than I asked about cnc mill for the mould ... there is only one in the country for that size and they have asked 3000 EUR to make 3d model so they can estimate the cost... what a joke.
  7. Village_Idiot
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    Village_Idiot Senior Member

    Probably the 28-footer here would serve your purposes, but may be rough in larger waves. They can custom-build, so could probably add skirts to minimize wake.

    If you want jet, specify the Mercury SportJet at a minimum (that is what the Phantom uses - it is basically a SeaArk Predator Jon with a Merc Sportjet), but the larger jets (e.g. - Hamilton) would be better for longterm durability.
  8. yodani
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    yodani Senior Member

    Thanks for the Info. Those tour boats look great. I have been contemplating over that design and was looking at Trident tour boats that has round pontoons. I know they are inefficient but simple to build. The thing is If I build one of these boats outside the country the shipping will kill me. I almost bought a 35 feet Trident from US impounded one. It was a great price but shipping and taxes almost doubled the price...

    This model from M-ship suits my needs but in a smaller version. I might ask them to see what would be the cost of plans and all for such hull since they have one working. I could even settle for the same model if price is good. In aluminium I could build it here at a more reasonable price than fibreglass as moulds and plugs are a killer for short run.

    What is a reasonable price to pay for such plans? I have zero experience here. Say for a 10mx3m aluminim hull the type seen at the M-ship link above?

    Another thing I didn't mention is the engine must be central as the boat accesses narrow canals 4m wide sometimes and the water at shore line is not deep and full of vegetation. The single engine central installation is ideal in such situations. For that a catamaran will not work unless outboards are used.
  9. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

  10. yodani
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    yodani Senior Member

  11. huibes
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    huibes Sittin' on the dock of the bay

    Hello Yodani,

    I'm curious about the outcome of your quest! I'm searching for a similar thing, low draft, medium speed, low wake, debris, low power.....But then in 24 meter.

    Thanks, Hype

  12. boatbuilder41
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    boatbuilder41 Senior Member

    I think these boats i build would be a excellent shallow water tour boat.. This particular one is powered by a yamaha 225 4 stroke outboard mounted in a well nearthe bow of the boat.. It can run in 12 inches of water . it also opens up the stern for easier passenger loading and keeps passengers away from the motor as well.. This boat will run speeds of 40 mph empty and i have put 6,200 lbs of fush on it and was able to still plane off around 20 mph. This one is 31 ft overall and 11'10" wide.. . i was thinking with proper seating it could make a great water taxi or tour boat for shallow water.. FB_IMG_1425698051400.jpg

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