TouchCAD 3D

Discussion in 'Software' started by duluthboats, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. duluthboats
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    duluthboats Senior Dreamer

    I see TouchCAD has a good review in the latest issue of WoodenBoat. It was an interesting read and has me thinking it’s time for me to take a closer look. I know Claes is a forum member but are there others that are using this software.

    Gary :D
  2. ludesign
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    ludesign Senior Member

    I forwarded your request to the TouchCAD discussion list.
  3. nero
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    nero Senior Member

    touchcad on OS X

    TouchCad is a great program. I have been using it since 2004. It has evolved into a very powerful program. It has been very stable (doesn't crash) and tech support ... even design advice is available for free.

    This isn't a program from some profit-driven corporation. This is software from a small company that cares and uses their own product.

    It is fast to learn the basics and become productive.
  4. Scott Carter
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    Scott Carter Senior Member

    I just got done reading the same review in WB magazine and have been all over the Touch CAD website as well. It does look appealing. The ability to translate complex contoured forms from 3D into sheets/plates has infinite possibilities.
    I was hoping to see a demo version available for download to give it a test drive but I didn't see one. Anyone know if there is one? Claes, are you reading this?
  5. ludesign
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    ludesign Senior Member

    You can download a demo version from here;
    The demos include a PDF version of the printed users manual that comes with the package.

    I would also highly recommend having a look at the Training section of the web site, which contains several hours of tutorial movies in Quicktime format. .

    When it comes to these tutorials, I would recommend starting at the Getting Started movie found here:

    ... and then carry on looking at the marine design tutorial movies found here:

    The other movies may also be of interest once you reach a higher level of knowledge.
  6. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    What is the going price for the program... are we talking hundreds or thousands (US)?
  7. janjohansen
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    janjohansen Junior Member

    Its about 1 400USD from the UK reseller. Dont know if its any cheaper to buy it directly from

  8. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Ah...well...too rich for my blood. I'll just stick with Freeship/Delftship and muddle through
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