Tornado sailplan

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Steve W, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Steve W
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Steve W Senior Member

    does anyone here have the dimensions of the tornado main and jib. Luff, foot and leech. I have been searching the web but no luck so far so I thought id try here as I'm sure more than a few guys have looked into this for small trimaran designs.

  2. abourgault
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  3. HydroNick
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    HydroNick Nick S

  4. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Thanks guys, I did find the class site but am having a hard time figuring out the 2 most important dimensions to anyone looking for a used sail to use on a different cat, the luff and foot lengths, neither of which is shown. I'm sure they are there somewhere but not in plain English. I did just find a main on Minneys site which shows luff 28'2" leech 28'4" and foot 7'10".
    I have a complete rigged mast which came with a C&C 24 I bought some years back that had been dismasted, I recognized the rig right away as a big beachcat rig and unsuitable so I rigged it with a J24 rig. Ive long since sold the boat and have had this rig sitting on the side of my garage for years now and am trying to identify what cat it is from. I'm thinking of buying some used sails and using it as a spare/ alternative rig for my Pacific cat 19 which has a classic low aspect huge roach rig. The second version of the P cat had a 30ft stick on it with a lot of rake so it is not innapropriate.
  5. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    thanks, I will try catsailor and beachcats, I am a member of both but I thought because there have been folks on here interested in beachcat rigs on small tris that someone may have the info I need. The dimensions in the rules are confusing to read as they don't actually give the dimensions I am interested in.
  6. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    I will try those sites, i am a member of both but thought someone here may have the actual dimensions at their fingertips as people are always looking to use beachcat rigs for small tri designs. Most owners of class boats don't need to know the actual dimensions as they just order a sail.
  7. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    oops, I didn't mean to post a bunch of times, the first 2 didn't look like they had gone through. I also don't understand the time it shows for the posts, it is 10:16 pm central time sunday as I write this.

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