Tin Canoe

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by pavel915, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. pavel915
    Joined: Nov 2006
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    pavel915 Senior Member

    Have you ever built a Tin Canoe like this? It seems it can be built in many ways. We can hear some stories of building such boats.

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  2. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    I know of two drownings, and several near misses, from these devil-designed contraptions.
    You can see how little lateral stability they have.
    pavel915 and bajansailor like this.
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    @pavel915 I would agree with rwatson above - the canoe in your photo does not look like it will be very safe.
    It might be a bit safer if you manage to fit positive buoyancy in case it gets swamped, and an outrigger to help provide some stability.

    Re your fascination with tin canoes, if you were to build one like this (I presume that you do?) what would you use it for?
    Would you really want to build it with a tin plate bottom and timber gunwhales / topsides as per the photo?
    pavel915 and rwatson like this.

  4. pavel915
    Joined: Nov 2006
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    pavel915 Senior Member

    Yes, I understand very well that that boat has a little transverse stability. My major field of work is ship stability and I make stability booklets for all kinds of ships and boats. So I was planning to add outriggers or combine two of them to make a catamaran. I was wondering if I could get some good building techniques of the hulls, then I can play with them to make something new.
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