Tilt pump valve

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Shvenn, Aug 4, 2018.

  1. Shvenn
    Joined: Aug 2018
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    Shvenn New Member

    While trouble shooting my outdrive not going down I had a bonehead moment. I had pulled the 7/8” plugs on either side of the lower pump body, had ‘collected’ both springs and plugs and set them aside. I came back to the effort, forgetting I had removed these components, and tried the up down button perhaps hoping magic had occurred while I was away ... it had not. So, I discovered a cone shaped piece had come out on one side of the pump but have not found the same for the other side. I’ve put it all back together, presumably minus one cone shaped piece on the other side and have determined the actual problem is with the solenoids (jumped the control system with a wire from the battery).

    So, am I correct, I’m missing one cone shaped valve insert? The out drive does go up and down now without said part.

    I have not been able to find a schematic that shows this level of detail.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What brand, model and year?
  3. Shvenn
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    Shvenn New Member

    2006 mercruiser 4.3l with a an Alpha one outdrive in a 21’ Trophy.
  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That should be a Gen II drive, correct?

  5. Shvenn
    Joined: Aug 2018
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    Shvenn New Member

    I believe so.
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