Tidal backwaters

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Gary Baigent, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Gary Baigent
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Went rowing today in my 5 plus metre skiff, just for a change instead of sailing, simple, carry skiff to water, climb aboard, row. 3.6 metre tide, the highest we get on the Waitemata - so it was interesting. Beautiful place. Here are some images. Up Meola Creek happened on to Dave Blundell (retired boatbuilder, of Laurie Davidson designs) he talked me into trying out his very innovative model yacht, looks very Davidson. Meaning beautiful lines. Model yachts. Look what happened to Doug, bonkers; not having anything to do with that. But it is seductive.
    photos: 6 metre Daylight Robbery and Sid, Cox's Bay Skimmer, Groucho Marx, Mullet boats Komuri and Melita in Motions Creek, Melita, gaff rigged Mulletty, Marguerite Star, altered Piver, Motions Creek.

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  2. saltdragon
    Joined: Oct 2014
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    saltdragon Junior Member

    What a lovely place to keep a yacht :)
    I like the thread, anyone else have photos of their tidal backwaters? It's a wet winter here so pictures of boats in the sunshine are very welcome.
  3. paxfish
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    paxfish Junior Member

  4. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Some more Waitemata backwater images: Cox's Bay Skimmer at Motions Creek - Samira Sao photograph, Jacques and Marguerite Star, Motions Creek, altered Crowther Buccaneer, Cox's Bay, off Sloan's Beach from Marguerite Star, altered Farrier near Meola Reef.

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  5. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

  6. AnthonyW
    Joined: Oct 2012
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    AnthonyW Senior Member

    Background to photo - Dread

    Hi Gary

    There is a boat called Dread0 in the background of the photo with the Kayak - do you know anything about it?

    Thanks for the pics. Beautiful part of the world.


  7. Gary Baigent
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Magic area, Tom, old New Zealand?
    Here is a shot taken at Kawhia. Aotea and Kawhia are lonely West coast North Island harbours. The open Tasman Sea is usually pounding outside the heads from the prevailing winds. But not always and then the fishing and diving is also magic.
    Anthony, DreadO is the Cox's Bay Skimmer design ... which used to belonga me - but I gave it away to an enthusiast at Putiki Bay on Waiheke Island.

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