Tiburon 36

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Guest, May 8, 2003.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I just bought at auction a WIB Crealock designed, 1976, Tiburon 36. Unfortunatley it came without any documents, manual, or drawings. So, I'm looking for any information about the boat. Thanks, mj
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

  3. Sharon
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    Sharon New Member

    We've got one

    Heavy duty cruiser. Where'd you find it? We've owned a 1978 Tiburon 36 for the last 3 years. In fact, we're planning to sail around the world in it, starting next year. The basics are that it is a Crealock design and built in the San Jose, Costa Rica yard where they began building Cabo Ricos in the late 70's. It's a total sleeper; same folks working on them, same yard etc. Just with the Tiburon name, they're actually affordable. The Cabo Rico 38 is essentially the same boat but built with an aft cockpit, no mizzen and a little longer.
  4. jason kangas
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    jason kangas New Member

    I just bought a cabo rico 38. It was the first one built in 1975 made from the Tiburon mold. The couple that had it built didn't want a center cockpit so they had Crealock draw an extra 2 feet and made it an aft cockpit. My boat still has the origanal Tiburon transom, then the added two feet with another transom. Cabo RIco used this boat for the mold of the Cabo Rico 38 in 1976.
  5. jim0123r
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    jim0123r New Member

    any known drawbacks?

    are there any known drawbacks to the tiburon 36?

    is the aft cabin actually sleepable for two?

    thanks - jim and natalie, prospective buyers
  6. gharr8
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    gharr8 Junior Member

    there was a 36 ft tiburon for sale in st thomas a few months ago.....
  7. amphibious
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    amphibious New Member

    tiburon 36 vs cabo rico 34

    Hello, I am considering the Tiburon 36 and the cabo rico 34 as boats for off shore cruising. I would greatly appreciate any info on either of these boats and what, besides the sailing rigs makes either of them better suited for blue water sailing. The price difference on these boats are drastic, what does the extra money really offer in the 34ft as apposed to the tiburon 36. There is 15-20 year age difference, but many of the 34fters are 3 times as much, what are the big differences?

    I would appreciate any links to literature on these boats.

    Sincerely, Jody
  8. SV Papillon
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    SV Papillon Junior Member

    Hello There,

    Had a Tiburon 36 and lived on it for about ten years. The aft cabin is pretty small but its a 36 ft boat with two cabins so thats what you get. My wife 6' and myself were happy in it cruising from the pacific NW to mexico. Once our daughter arived the pilot berth turned into her room, then things got a bit smaller. All in all great boat for the money, sails easy, really comftorble, best cockpit arrangment I have seen. Really a cruising boat. On the not so good side the original rudders were made out of steel plate with a ss stub shaft so they are suspect unless they have been replaced. The aft hatch is hard to get water tight, sliding and all. Our boat had all the teak decks and coring removed and close cell foam put in, right before the previous owner had enough and we bought it.
    Perfect couple cruiser for the not too needy or single hander who isn't in a hurry.

    Pic of her before we sold here

    Summertime Dream

    I still have the original sail plan from WIB crealock if somebody needs a copy.

    fair winds

  9. amphibious
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    amphibious New Member

    hello, thanks for the info, you boat looks like a beauty. Definetly looks like you have your work cut out for you on the new one though.

    Quick question- what is the keel constructed from lead of iron? thanks

  10. trisailing
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    trisailing Junior Member

    Hello All,
    I just bought a Tiburon 36. Great boat. I'm doing a complete refit of the boat. If anyone is interested you can goto www.lz2112.com/gallery and look at the work in progress. I will be continually adding to it. Also S/V Papillon, I could use a copy of those prints if you have them. Email me at trisailing (at) inbox.com.
  11. tasmanisle
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    tasmanisle New Member

    Good morning,
    Does anyone know of compression problems with the mizzen mast on a Tiburon 36? I am flying to the US to look at one and the broker has indicated that there is no compression post for the mizzen and there is a slight slump in the deck from the mast step. can you fit a compression post to them. Are there any other problems, what exactly is the problem with the rudder?
    Sydney, Australia
  12. tasmanisle
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    tasmanisle New Member

    Info Needed

    I have bought the Triburon 36 from St Thomas, if anyone has any information on these, please contact me as I am looking for answers to some of the problems that have developed on the cruise from St thomas to Ft Lauderdale.
  13. trisailing
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    trisailing Junior Member

    You did not put any contact info in your profile. You can Email me at trisailing(at)inbox.com. Replace the (at) the a @ sign. I have a new website for updates to the work on our Tiburon at www.picasaweb.google.com/trisailingfla.
    Hope to hear from some of you Tiburon/Cabo Rico 36 Owners.
  14. tasmanisle
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    tasmanisle New Member

    Silver Heels - Triburon 36

    Good morning,
    I have tried to send you an email, no success it seems, my email address is:
    r_burgess@email.com. could you send me a test and I can reply to it. I notice that you have used a number of photos of my new boat, Silver Heels on your site, it looks pretty good there, I have a number of questions for you and of importance is the compression post of lack thereof for the mizzen, also I am looking for some photos of dodgers to use to make one for my boat.
    Do you know how many of these were made?
    I also have up and down movement in the rudder, is there a thrust washer or other means that locates and restricts this movement?

  15. Lufticus
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    Lufticus New Member

    a tiburon 36 in europe...

    hi tiburon community,

    We bought a tiburon 36 about 11 years ago in NY and brought it over to europe germany. You can visit our homepage www.lufticus.com ! (for the time it´s all german, but it will improve shortly...it´s just the beginning, you will find some pictures and details about the ship via the folder "lufticus". We rebuilt almost the whole ship in the past years and i know a lot about it. We rebuilt the rudder (the inner blade is made out of black steel and was about to loose contact to the rudder post because it got wet and very rusty) and we also put a big square plank below the ceiling of the aft cabin to stabilize the mizzenbase.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany

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