Thomas Coville on Sodebo challenging Cadix - San Salvador record

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

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  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Coville injured

    website-apparently all in French:
    Sadly from "chris o" on SA:

    Thomas Coville has injured his leg severely during a maneuver on board Sodeb'O. He is forced to abandon his on-going record attempt on the Route of Discovery. He is sailing back to the Azores to see doctors.


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  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Coville injured

    Translation from "Large Thomas" on SA:


    "Having left Cadix for a singlehanded record attempt on the Route de la Découverte (The Discovery Course) in direction of the Bahamas, Thomas Coville tonight has decided to give in to the advice of his doctors after an injury to his left leg which doesn't develop well. The skipper of the maxi trimaran Sodebo makes way in moderate weather conditions towards Ponta Delgada on the island of Sao Miguel in the Azores where he will arrive on Wednesday evening.

    Thomas has injured himself on Sunday evening, at the calf, after tacking in 25/30 knots of wind, as he was approaching the Canary Islands. Maneuvering a multihull of 31 meters length, with a mast of 35 meters demands craftsmanship and it's the first time in his 25 years' career that he has hurt himself in such a way. During the maneuver the sheet of the mainsheet car jammed his leg and has caused a big edema.After having watched the progression of this injury over the last 48 hours the skipper has decided to follow the recommendations of his doctors who foresee to immobilising the leg and giving daily attention to avoid a further aggravation of the injury. The most sensible decision prevails, Thomas gives up on the traverse against his heart's wish.

    The sailor doesn't hide his disappointment. Even though the weather window for this attempt was complicated it also included all the components of a good training in regard to the round-the-world record he will attempt in the coming winter.

    « I've thought that it would withdraw itself but the situation has quickly deteriorated. » said the skipper in the night. « My ankle has swollen up a lot and now I have problems to move myself around which could my own security and that of the boat at risk. The doctors fear that it's getting worse and foresee consequences for my long term recovery. As I'm not far from the Azores I will it would be a wise decision to change my course. It's a shame because I felt really good on this boat, now totally changed on downwind. This training interested me a lot even if the record of the Découverte isn't at the center of the program with Sodebo. »
  4. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Unfortunate to be injured like that but a good call to head to the Azores for treatment. Hopefully Thomas makes a speedy recovery with treatment and can take another crack at the record.

  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    That it was the mainsheet car is scary!
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