Thomas Colvin's designs

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Abe Shaffer, Sep 7, 2017.

  1. Abe Shaffer
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    Abe Shaffer Junior Member

    Hailing all sea folk with an appreciation of the elegant designs of Thomas Colvin! I am trying to find a set of plans or a completed hull for one of Thomas Colvin's cargo schooners for a fledgling sail cargo project. Can anyone help me to find plans or a boat builder who has made and can make a Colvin boat? Very much appreciated!
    "May fair winds escort you." T. Colvin
  2. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Last edited: Sep 7, 2017
  3. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Abe, I see you're in England, a Dutch broker offers this Colvin 42' Steel Ketch for sale, she was built in 1995 by ‘‘Metal Boat & Co - London’’, it could be she's offered by UK brokers as well. Maybe the Dutch broker can give you more info about the builder.

    The boat looks like a sister of the 41' ADERYN MOR, Tom says about her....

    ‘‘ the next popular size was the 41-footer, known as ADERYN MOR. She is usually built as a gaff ketch or a gaff schooner. Also noted for her passage-making ability and seaworthiness, she has quite a bit of interior room. The original was built in New Zealand by her owner; I also built one in my yard and, on trial runs, I could find no fault with her nor make any suggestions for improvement. ’’
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2017
  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    What size of Colvin cargo schooner do you want, and what is the intended use ?
  5. Abe Shaffer
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    Abe Shaffer Junior Member

    Hi Angèlique,
    Thank you very much for the links! I am chasing some if the threads you have mentioned atm including the Sultana hull in NS. I have seen the Colvin with the Dutch broker...she had sadly now been sold!
    I really appreciate your passing on the threads...we'll see what I can find!
    If you hear of anything else, please let me know...I'm a new user of these forums and just learning the ropes!
    It seems a great shame that Colvin's designs are no longer available if only for historic reference...what a prolific naval architect, beautiful boats built for work!
    Cheers. Abe
  6. Abe Shaffer
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    Abe Shaffer Junior Member

    I would like to buy or build a schooner like the Pinky Schooner as a minimum size, or the Memory or Sultana as a maximum. I am also really interested in exploring the sharpie schooner designs. The intended use is for a regional sail cargo company that my wife and I are establishing in southern England. I love the economy, functionality and beauty of Colvin's designs and they really suit the shallow draft required in many of the harbours we intend to use.
    Any input or encouragement greatly appreciated! We are really excited to get cargo sailing again!
  7. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

  8. Abe Shaffer
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    Abe Shaffer Junior Member

    Thank you :)
  9. kristjan
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    kristjan Junior Member

    AD47639A-76DF-4F77-8FC7-7402D1AB609A.jpeg I got lucky and found a Doxy that had the aft lines carried until the transom wasn’t submerged, so LOD is 41’. We just bought her in Oct.
  10. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Looking good Kristjan ! - - Congrats . . . . :)

    Here's a sales thread* with pictures and info about or your ParaDoxy, and an album* - - - - - * both links at the Cruisers Forums.




    I noticed that soon after posting the first link in post #7 ParaDoxy disappeared from the search results which that link gave, did you find her here on this thread . . ? ?

    Anyway, wish you and yours Godspeed with the new acquisition . . :)

    P.S. - I've just posted ParaDoxy's former ship dog in post #247 on the thread Dogs on boats, and our best Friends in general.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
  11. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    I didn't know Tom had also done Ferro-Cement designs - (for sale 1976 Custom 72') - Link / spare Link





    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
  12. kristjan
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    kristjan Junior Member

    Long Delay, I keep forgetting my password, but find it eventually.. I found the boat on Kijiji if that's what you meant. Thanks for this pics nice. We changed the name to simply Doxy, didn't wan't Para in front, and Doxy seemed simpler. I once had a Allied Mistress, names Mistress. Sometimes not having much imagination makes life easy! I like the idea of Doxy dancing girl being a tramp, and how old coastal schooners would tramp about looking for cargo dancing from port to port, so it seemed to make sense.
  13. Superjunkan
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    Superjunkan New Member

    I looked at a home built 36' Pinky Schooner of this same design in Florida almost 20 years ago. It was roughly built but in my opinion as a professional mariner you could've set of on a voyage that very day pending a grocery run. The most common sense layout I've ever seen. Had a no foolin cargo hold. Enron had a VW bus differential converted to a windlass.
  14. Robert Valentine
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    Robert Valentine New Member

    Following is a link to my Tom Colvin Custom Ketch; I have the plans as well.

  15. penny colvin
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    penny colvin New Member

    My husbands father is Tom Colvin and he has a Colvin cargo schooner for sale if you are still interested.
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