This boat can run 60kn?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by linxiao, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. linxiao
    Joined: Mar 2010
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    linxiao Junior Member

    Today I saw a thread which described the boat could run 60+ kn,the the engine is 200hp x2, length 30ft.
    I am doubtful of the engine and the speed,somebody who can give some examples about the similar boat parameter,thanks.

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  2. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    It is certainly possible but there is a huge lack of information to judge whether it is probable.
  3. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    I don't see why not-looks very light and narrow,at speeds she'd get good lift and I'd bet you'd have just a few feet in the water aft.
  4. johneck
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    johneck Senior Member

    My jetski goes 60+ on less than 100 HP. It's all about weight and power, and 400 HP on a lightweight planing hull should make 60 no problem
  5. HydroRocket
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    HydroRocket Junior Member

    my cousin has a bass boat that does 71mph with a 200 merc on it so why not?
  6. Jimboat
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    Jimboat Senior Member

    sure, it could be able to achieve that easily. (can't see what design/mfgr of hull it is, but lot's of pad vee hull designs of that size and hp can do more than 60kn)
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  7. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Who's trying to convince who here?
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Without a much better look at the hull, possably it's make, model and year, everything is purely guess work.
  9. linxiao
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    linxiao Junior Member

    I only have this imformation.
  10. linxiao
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    linxiao Junior Member

    how long is your boat?Could you give more imformation about your boat?thank you very much.
  11. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    Built cored and light and that's about right. What's the beam?

    The older 30's I've been on with outboards do 60-ish with twin 225-275s. OBs are a lighter than sterndrives. Look at superboats, sutphens, powerplays, old scarab ccs (heavier). The 30's get 250s, 300s now because they can. A 33' powerplay with twin 300s does 72. With 225s a powerplay 33 is down around 62-65.
    Search for some similar size current RIBs too.
  12. linxiao
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    linxiao Junior Member

    Not limit about the beam.The similar boat has the fast speed only need small power.the length can also from 20+ft to 50+ft.
  13. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    I don't follow. The picture above looks narrow beam and that means less weight. Same HP will push a lighter boat faster when both have the same few feet in the water at speed... when neither has to carry a heavier load. Put the same 200s from a 33' powerplay on a 25' and you'll go 10 mph faster. The bigger boat comes into its own in bigger seas or if you want to load it up or with more hp. Longer than 30 and boats I know get heavier. Weight is major. Post some more info and photos when you can get it.
  14. linxiao
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    linxiao Junior Member

    thanks for your detail explaintion.
    I only can get few photos.
    from the photo,we can see that the length of the beam is about four seats.

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  15. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Again without specific model information, any speculation about preformance is just that. It's like taking a picture of a car and asking how fast will it go.
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