The September 2013 issue of Westlawn Institute's free journal The Masthead is posted

Discussion in 'Education' started by dgerr, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. dgerr
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    dgerr Senior Member

    The September 2013 issue of Westlawn Institute's free online journal, The Masthead, is now posted.

    Highlights in this edition:
    • History of Sailing Multihulls
    • Self-Righting Craft - Principles & Design Requirements
    • ABYC President’s Message – Getting New People Into Boating
    • ABYC Wins IBEX Innovation Award 2013
    • On the Drawing Board: Bigot's 12-M Power Cat
    • Orca3D User Tip – Docking Toolbars
    • Westlawn Drives Down Education Costs
    • ABYC Tech Notes – Thermal Appliances
    • Dick Newick - Memoriam
    • Know It All Answer: Identifying a Localized Paint Degredation
    • Know It All Question: Wood Hull Planking
    • News & Views
    • Masthead Archives
    • Westlawn Information


    Brief History of Sailing Multihulls
    By Francois Chevalier

    In this article we will examine the history and evolution of multihulls, showcasing some of their curious features (not all of them successful) and we will delve into the inventive mind of the speed-crazed mariner. We will discuss the origins of the type, through the major evolutions in the 19th and 20th century, all the way up to the 34th Americas Cup.

    Considering the current drag-racing machines built for the 34th Americas Cup, it is interesting to pursue their history - the history of sailing multihulls. Their origins lie in the Oceania pirogue: These catamarans, trimarans, and proas were were already described as "flying objects" by Antonio Pigafetta, who, serving as Magellans assistant during the Worlds first circumnavigation, was the first to describe these boats in 1521.

    Self-Righting Craft
    By By K C Thatcher CEng MRINA

    Records show that the naval architecture of self-righting has been known and understood for at least 200 years. For much of this time its application was limited to small, shore based rescue boats, but the past few decades have seen the provision of self-righting capability widen into a diverse range of craft from offshore standby vessels to trans-ocean rowing boats. Whatever the size and use, the aim is always the same - to provide safe refuge for the crew by incorporating a mechanism whereby the vessel will return upright following a knockdown or capsize.

    Despite this growing this growing popularity, self-righting vessel design is still viewed by some naval architects with suspicion. The purpose for this paper is to provide a background for self-righting methods and basic guidance on design, testing and outfit requirements. Although much of the content has been based on the author's experience with rescue craft, it should be noted that the principles and techniques described are applicable to all types of vessels.

    Thermal Appliances - One Hot Topic
    By Matthew Weinhold, ABYC Standards Specialist

    Cheesy puns aside, the last few weeks have shown that standards based questions are contagious making thermal appliance and more specifically Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) systems one Hot Topic. I have on more than one occasion answered the same question on multiple times in one day. That made choosing a "back to school" topic or this issue easy.

    With LPG being the dominant cooking and heating fuel for boats in the US, it's easy to see wild fluctuations in how the fuel systems and appliances are installed from boat to boat. Many installations are thoroughly thought out with every safety precaution being made and every detail of the standards being observed. Unfortunately there is no shortage improperly installed systems as well. The result of improper installations can be catastrophic.

    Westlawn Drives Down Education Costs

    Westlawn has taken strong steps designed to lower education costs and assist students to follow their dreams and attain their goals. These steps include finding ways for students to obtain otherwise expensive design software at low or zero cost. For example:

    FREE Student AutoCAD!
    Westlawn has arranged for active Westlawn students to download AutoCAD online directly from Autodesk. This is a full version of AutoCAD student release. It is not a trial version. Active Westlawn students can log into the designated sign-up page through the Westlawn student forum. This is the lowest cost for full AutoCAD ever-no cost! The commercial price of AutoCAD is $4,195, an enormous savings.
    Orca3D Level 1 (hull design and fairing with intact hydrostatics and stability) is $1,390 commercial but just $125 for Westlawn students, a $1,265 savings!

    Read the complete articles and more in this issue.
    Go to:

    New issues of The Masthead are in Internet flipping-book format, with control icons are located on the bar at the bottom of the screen

    If you prefer to read it in standard PDF format, go to the new flipping-book format and click on the download button on the bottom gray bar.

    To read The Masthead in the PDF format, you must have a current version of ADOBE ACROBAT READER. If you don't have it go to:

    You can click on:

    To see all back issues and read whichever one you like.

    Dave Gerr
    Director, Westlawn Institute
    1 person likes this.
  2. PAR
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  3. hoytedow
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    Yes, thanks indeed.
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