The project fast lightweight power catamarans - is possible?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by romanewas, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    It would be simpler, and it does not have to be more expensive, for you to oblige the shipbuilder to classify the ship with Lloyd's Register, Bureau Veritas, or similar. That is a normal requirement from the shipowner and, for a shipyard with due experience, can not pose any problem.
  2. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    They told me that also accept inspect it by third part such as BV,SGS,CCIC etc. You think that's enough?
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    In my country, a passenger ship of the dimensions that, predictably, will have yours, does not need to be inspected, classified or certified by any Classification Society. It must only be inspected by the Administration of the country which, among other things, requires the vessel to comply (not be certified) with some parts of the regulation of any CS. First, the Administration inspects and approves the project to grant the construction permit. During the process of construction, several inspection visits are carried out and, once the boat is finished, an inclining test is carried out, which is used to prepare the stability booklet, which must also be approved by the Administration to grant the ship's navigability permit.
  4. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    Ok to be very easier. I understand that you write about Spain? With what maritime administration have to talk about this? The unit will be built in China, and it is difficult for any inspection ...
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I am not an expert on these issues but I think you should flag the ship in Spain which will force you to submit a project and similar procedures, not the same, that I have described in my previous post. Unless the price difference is very large, and I mean very large, I do not see advantages in building a boat in a country other than the one that will extend the navigability permits. But all these issues you should consult with the Chinese shipyard to see how they can solve them.
    I have designed ships that have been built in Spanish shipyards, for other countries, and we have had to comply with the standards required in those countries. It is a normal practice that any shipyard should know.
  6. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    Unfortunately, the construction of the boat in Spain can cost ten times more than in China... Of course, the boat must be the Spanish flag. Unless that you know of an inexpensive boat manufacturer in Spain?
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The best thing you can do is write a complete SOR, ask for offers to Spanish and Chinese shipyards, analyze in depth what each offers and compare advantages and disadvantages of each.
    But before doing all that, investigate the real opportunities that can exist to introduce a new boat in that traffic that you intend to do in the Canary Islands. There are large national and international companies that already control the traffic between the islands.
  8. kilocharlie2
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    kilocharlie2 Junior Member

    Unless you and/or your family already own a casino in the Canary Islands and need the extra business, I would hang on to the money and find a high cash flow-to-capital outlay business first. NOT a restaurant - maybe a storage unit, or something you already have pieces of and some expertise in. Then you'll have the money for businesses like a boat. The insurance is expensive enough, if your already worried about budget, a boat is too much, let alone an expensive one.

    "A boat is a hole in the ocean into which one pours money" is an ancient joke, perhaps more correctly worded, "A boat is a liability the size of the ocean that sucks all the money out of your bank account, speeds up divorces, and ultimately sinks."

    Another one is the definition of "sailing": The fine art of slowly going nowhere at great expense and risk of life while getting wet and losing races to a bigger idiot with more money."

    I just pointed out a match of design class for the performance call out stated. Everyone made clear that a SWATH would not be inexpensive. If it is the best solution that satisfies a demand in a way that makes good cashflow and ROI, look it through, lock in a viable design, get OPM, build it on schedule and start making money. If a lesser design does good enough, by all means use it. For my money, the PBY Catalina boat airplane is better solution if you have a calm piece of water upon which to land it. You don't even need a float plane, there are 8 airports on the Canary islands.
  9. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    Colleague not worry about it. I have now fast motorboat type Cigarette 40' with two Duramax diesel engines 450HP each and it is not for me any problem and never was. I had previously also two Bayliner - one with cabin and one without. I am a sailor for over 20 years. Unfortunately, I swim in Poland, where the season is very short.
  10. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    I got the latest information from the maritime office. I am looking for a designer who can perform the project in accordance with Directive 2009/45/EC. Is there someone here?
  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    So did you contact "Alik" ?
  12. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    Yes, and unfortunately not with these regulations. At least so far...
  13. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    Attached Files:

  14. kilocharlie2
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    kilocharlie2 Junior Member

    That's a good one. The second video on the first listing was their "Thor" model. I love that one, but you may not need the 105 mm machine gun on top, then again, it's a nice decoration :)

    Hope your market loves the ride, and I'd go ahead and look in to start a casino in the Canary Islands in order to ensure that your market continues to go there. I'd like to get the sportfishing landing at your hotel.

  15. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    I'll send You a special invitation to the inaugural cruise my boat:) But please do not write any more about the casino!
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