The project fast lightweight power catamarans - is possible?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by romanewas, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    Do you have seen these boats in such conditions at sea?
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Contact him for more info, he has a lot of catamaran designs, one or more may suit you. A hell of a lot cheaper to get a design that way, than working one up from scratch, as a completely new design.
  3. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    Ok I'll ask him. On the other hand, tell me - do you hear something about submersible floats? Ie, that the floats have a small positive buoyancy. The idea is that the wave simply flows over them. They should have a very sharp shape and cut up simply waves. As a result, the boat should not jump on the waves. The hull should be hung over them at the correct height - for example 6 '. Additionally maybe some kind of stabilizers can be used??
  4. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

  5. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

  6. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    light weight, not too large motors...
    its going to cost quite much.

    Quantifiable qualifications make much more sense. What is large motor? what is light weight?
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Hydrofoils have been operating for many years among the Canary Islands.
  8. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    For example, here is an interesting unit:
    It's too fast and is not suitable for larger waves than 2.5'. Maybe can it be possible to extend the appropriate floats? It can also it be possible to do a lighter with an open deck (less like 10 tons gross)? Engines as you can see is 2x 350HP (maybe 2x200HP would be enough?)...
  9. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Keep in mind that the type of boat is not chosen according to its aesthetics or 2 or 3 properties that we want the boat to develop. It is necessary to have a detailed SOR and this is the one that will lead you to the type of boat most suitable to fulfill it.
    You've started talking about a catamaran and now you're talking about a hydrofoil. I assure you that those two types of boats can not equally achieve the same goals.
    By the way, in some areas of the Canary Islands have had to reduce the speed of the boats due to some collision with whales that took place.
  11. romanewas
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    romanewas Junior Member

    So I started a discussion with the catamaran but because of the problems I am looking for other solutions. For now, this is just a discussion and look for the best solution for my needs. SOR at a glance
    - speed of 20 knots with waves up to 6 feet
    - range of 100NM
    - minimum capacity of 25 passengers
    - low fuel consumption (thats why I looking for a light unit with small engines)
    - open deck with a view of the above (low weight and low price unit)
    - the lowest price per unit - due to the risk of business failure

    Do you know what area of the Canary Islands is the speed limit? And to what speed?
  12. TANSL
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  13. patzefran
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    patzefran patzefran

    Hydrofoils were used in balearic islands in then eighteens for inter island trafic, they disappeared slowly and completely to the profit of catamarans, as they spent most of the time to repair after collision with U F(loating)O.
  14. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Same as across the Solent, Southampton - Cowes. It used to be hovercraft and hydrofoils. Now its a catamaran (check Red Funnel ferries)


  15. kilocharlie2
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    kilocharlie2 Junior Member

    Seems like the conditions and performance are aimed more at a SWATH (Small Waterline Area Tunnel Hull - think "catamaran on stilts") with considerable power, not a low-powered catamaran. You will experience very little sea sickness on a tall, wide SWATH, which tends to cancel lots of wave action.

    For the performance, you might consider hydrofoils below the submerged "pontoons". If you power it enough to lift the pontoons out of the water, then 20 knots is not out of the question.
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