The Perfect Flats Boat...For Me!

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by TheTikiGod, Aug 20, 2018.

  1. TheTikiGod
    Joined: Aug 2018
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    TheTikiGod New Member

    So, I am in the market for a flats boat and am trying to find the right one. I have looked high and low on every website out there and even called all my guide buddies to find the perfect flats boat...for me! I am not a small fella and my fishing buddy is a 6'4" former linebacker. So, when I am looking for a flats boat I want girth! I had a maverick 16'9" that to me was just about the most beautiful boat I could ever own, all one-color Ice Blue with that Naugahyde patterned nonskid and a hull that sliced like a ginsu.... Perfect, for a guy that’s a 150lbs... I have always said I would love to take the Mitzi skiff 16 and just supersize it in all aspects. I don't need 4 live wells, 8 batteries and every electronic known to man. Just big and simple.... Kind of like me:)

    Does anyone know someone who builds such a masterpiece?

    I went on the computer and rendered what I think she should look like... enjoy!

    Ultimate Flats.jpg
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    One might assume you should go looking for boats of the type that interest you, in the size range you prefer. Your illustration isn't going to help much to identify that. And 9 feet beam is not going to be available in any stock boat that length, not would it be needed or desirable, especially as it is overwidth for trailering.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
  3. Rick hambric
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    Rick hambric Junior Member

    Do you plan on poling or just use a trolling motor? You can contact Chris morejohn and I know he has a few designs for big guy skiffs that you could purchase. He gives you all the lines and laminated schedules as well. At 6’4@ & 280# im there with ya. Currently trying to find a naval arch that could help me with a stepped hull skiff.
  4. TheTikiGod
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    TheTikiGod New Member

    Mr Efficiency "Senior Member"
    Not looking for negative "it can't be done" reply's!!
    I can go to the boat dealer and get that all day long...

    If you know of a builder or boat that seems to meet what I want please let me know. If not... :|

    Please see below, so I guess this boat is on a trailer because it can't be towed right?

    100% composite construction "NO WOOD" ...... Huge 9'7" Beam ...... Super Shallow Draft 10"-12" Hanson 23.jpg
  5. TheTikiGod
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    TheTikiGod New Member

    Rick hambric
    Thanks for the heads up...! Does he work with any builders? I fiberglassed plenty as a kid. not looking for that itchy feeling and a boat that will be half done in 2 years, if you know what i mean.
  6. TheTikiGod
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    TheTikiGod New Member

    Sorry Rick, I forgot to mention that i will be using a trolling motor. I stood on my maverick's platform once, just once... not for me.

    FYI there is a captain named Joe Harley that runs out of pine island that has a fairly wide tiller skiff. It’s a one-off build from a Matlacha guy a number of years ago. he is trying to find the guy and get me his information...

    Joe Harley boat.jpeg
  7. Rick hambric
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    Rick hambric Junior Member

    @TheTikiGod email him and ask him. hi probably knows someone that will. being in the same predicament but I like to pole, he helped me modify one of his original hulls to my wants. the marquesa is a phenomenal hull, but I wanted shallower draft, stepped hull, and one hell of a rounded stern to help the poling characteristics. his email is below. hes flying out I thing Thursday back to central America to continue his sailing trip on the hogfishmaximus.
  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Overwidth vehicles are subject to restrictions where I live, I don't imagine that isn't the case where you live. For example, they may be prohibited from movement at night, and accordingly the vast majority of trailer boat makers restrict their product to the statutory width limits, which is 8 ' 6'' in the US, so far as I am aware. There would be a very limited market for non standard width trailer boats.
    AnthonyW and Rick hambric like this.
  9. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Sarcasm is not well received here TikiGod. Mr E may be living at the bottom of the world but he is plenty smart, experienced, and educated.
  10. jorgepease
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    jorgepease Senior Member

    In Florida its 8'6" you can pull it if you don't mind getting tickets or buying the oversize permit.

  11. Rick hambric
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    Rick hambric Junior Member

    @TheTikiGod look up young boats. Their 17 should check all your boxes
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