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The new outboard electric trolling motors, big thrust

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Caroute Motor, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Caroute Motor
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    Caroute Motor Junior Member

    More powerful trolling motor for your sailboat. It can pushes around 2 tons boat even in a 10ms head wind without any problem. The competitor to Minn Kota E-Drive or Torqeedo Cruise series, the similar power but only 1/3 price. The motor also can retract to avoid dragging when you are sailing. You can search this motor in Amazon.com or ebay with keywords 160lb trolling motor or 180lb trolling motor

    We are not disrespecting anyone. We just want to let people know why the brushless electric motor can have such high efficiency and more powerful. We write a article in this formus.
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Here we go again, a 160 pound thrust motor is about 2 HP, depending on who's math you buy into. So, tell me how is this going to handle a 2 ton boat, let alone contrary winds, currents, chop, standing headroom windage, etc? Must be a real quality set of materials for 1/3rd of the price, too.

    Is this your way of marketing a new product? You might want to talk to some professionals about the presentation and impression it suggests.
  3. Caroute Motor
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    Caroute Motor Junior Member

    160LB is 3HP, comapred with gas motor is 7HP. You can buy one in Amazon to try. If it can not push a 2 ton sailboat, the motor is free for you. Please try to trust us. Torqeedo can do it. Why not us?
  4. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Are you involved with the company? It looks interesting but I would like to see reviews by actual users in the US before I would order an unknown product direct from china (or anywhere else overseas)
  5. Caroute Motor
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    Caroute Motor Junior Member

    Yes, I am in. There is a review from Ror in Indiana. See below Amazon Link's review.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    What a bunch of hocus pocus. No web site, no brick and mortar, no independent testing, no provided data or in house testing, just some schmuck trying to shuck his BS about undocumented, unsubstantiated and unreviewed motor abilities. This has to be about one of the worst advertising campaigns I've ever seen, for a product entry into the industry. Though he seems to have coined a fellow from Indiana into a review, who's to say this isn't him, punching up his own stuff. A review from an owner is about as unreliable and accurate as threading a needle with a backhoe or expecting a politician to tell the truth.

    When doing a search for "Caroute trolling motors" the first hit is;
    http://caroute-outdoor.com/index.php/product/Trolling Motor CTH Platform.html
    Which is a dead Chinese link.

    Whittling off the extraneous stuff and you get to caroute-outdoor.com's main page. A company located in Ningbo City, China, but with little else available on the site that suggests it's been around for several years. The site map shows literally nothing except contact information, a single trolling motor with precious little information about it, no reviews, no testing, no accessories for the trolling motor, no news or publications, no promotional stuff.

    Good luck with this approuch to marketing your product.
  7. Caroute Motor
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    Caroute Motor Junior Member

    Thank you for your advices. The website is bulding. All amazon selling are truth. We will take your idea and imporove ourself.
  8. Caroute Motor
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    Caroute Motor Junior Member

    Why brushless electric boat trolling motor achieves high efficiency and more powerful

    Why brushless electric boat trolling motor achieves high efficiency and more powerful thrust from smaller HP?
    This topic got much words. I am not disrespect anyone. I am just talk about the brushless electric motor. And the efficiency is just from battery to the propeller power. If you want to consider the electric power generation and battery charging storage, yes the efficiency is not such high. And we are not comparing the electric motor and gas motor's input or output power. We just talk about the smaller HP brushless electric motor's propeller thrust can catch up higher HP gas motor. Brushless electric motor is just a new choice for these boats. For bigger boat, the gas motor is still dominant.

    Brushless electric boat motor use permanent magnet brushless DC motor. With the traditional three-phase AC asynchronous traction motors, DC motors and other products, compared traction excitation, permanent magnet brushless DC traction motors advantages:
    1, high efficiency. Reactive power consumption is greatly reduced, efficiency up to 93%.
    2, small size and light weight. Compared with the same power of Y series traction motors, frame size to be a smaller size.
    3, the structure is simple, maintenance-free.
    4, the loss is small. Are synchronized operation at any speed, the rotor copper loss neither iron nor consumption.
    5, starting torque, low starting current. Mechanical properties and adjust performance and it excited DC motor control is similar, so the starting current, starting torque.
    6, wide speed adjustment range.
    7. Long-term low-speed operation without heat. Adapt to frequent starts and stops, frequent commutation.
    8, energy saving. Due to the brushless DC motor efficiency and high power factor, low loss; brushless DC motor in passive rotation, which is a generator.

    According to the permanent magnet brushless DC motor such advantages, we can make high efficiency and more powerful thrust electric motor. Another important part is the brushless electric motor inside power management IC. These motor is infinitely variable speed. When you rotate control switch, it will give the power management IC an electric signal. Then the IC will manage the electric motor to work in a propeller thrust range. To keep the propeller thrust range, you don't need all the time in large RPM and Torque. And there is a propeller thrust curve. The IC will detect the thrust need. The IC will adjust the power input according to the propeller thrust curve need. So the electric motor is working in a curve power input, not all the time in large power input. It can help the saving the energy and protect the electric motor too hot. Current traditional large thrust electric motor cause many repair due to the high tempters. The IC using the new technical with good power management to make sure the brushless motor can work well in unload, loading and overload condition. And the brushless electric is using below RPM 2000’s Low speed brushless motor. So there is no gear box's 3%-5% lost, the power is direct out.

    Due to such advantage, the brushless electric motor shaft output power's max efficiency can achieve 80%, the max efficiency in propeller thrust can achieve 65%. Due to the 65% high efficiency, the propeller thrust can achieve as below.

    3HP brushless electric boat trolling motor can give max 160LB thrust.
    4HP brushless electric boat trolling motor can give max 180LB thrust.

    And for such small size electric motor even it's also a generator, we can do energy recovery for current electric boat motor's technical. Otherwise, the efficiency will higher. For larger HP electric motor, you have to consider to using RPM 3000-4000's high speed brushless, the efficiency can’t be so high.

    Below two photos are the motor's structure.

  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You are making these unfounded claims in several threads. Whenever we ask for any proof, all you post are more unfounded claims. This is simply not true but a sales pitch.
  10. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    If you think that for a second you realize that at lower speed same power can create higher thrust. Trolling motors have props chosen for very low speed operation so they get relatively high bollard pull (static pull, think bolted to a dock) thrust. I am positive that this originates from the fact that trying to sell 0,28hp motor is harder than selling "55" lbs motors.

    As speed goes up the power limitation is revealed
  11. Caroute Motor
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    Caroute Motor Junior Member

    Sorry, Power=thrust*speed is wrong. The electric motor shaft output power=Torque(NM)*Speed(RPM)/9.549 . For propeller thurst, there is still some lost from motor shaft to propeller.
    Yes, there is Spending habits for trolling motors. We are try to give people a new choice.
  12. Caroute Motor
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    Caroute Motor Junior Member

    Thank for your interesting again. I think it's no need to complain some new technical which you are not familiar. I know the graph is a little complicated which we had put too many testing results in one graph. I had told how to read the graph, another engineer finally can read it.

    It's an electric motor performance testing which our engineer will testing each our motor which we ship out. According the testing results, our engineer can judge whether the motor condition is suitable for the IC power management. Then engineer can choose pass this motor or adjust it. Even you may think these testing or graph are nonsense. But we think it's an insurance for our motor good quality and working perfect in customer's boat.
  13. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I work with these kind of graphs on a daily basis. They are similar to battery cycling and formation graphs. What you posted is wrong and makes me think that the values are simply fabricated. A power efficiency curve is very easy to read. Your graph shows efficiency higher than one. That means the motor is generating power.
  14. Caroute Motor
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    Caroute Motor Junior Member

    Thank you very much for your intersting and spending so much time for it. I still think the graph have some problems even our engineer can read it well. He should separate to 2 or 3 graphs. If you still interesting, I can post some result record in excel fill which I can give, some is business secret.

  15. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Once you make claims of efficiency and performance, you can't hide behind business secrecy when somebody questions the accuracy of your data.
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