The Australian Naval Architect

Discussion in 'Education' started by Leo Lazauskas, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Leo Lazauskas
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  2. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect


    The first 2 links are broken. I suspect you copied the link once logged into the RINA website?...if so, there's the problem. Only those with memberships to log into the site can access the online version.
  3. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    That's odd because I have been accessing them for several years.
  4. Moggy
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    Moggy Senior Member

    No the links are fine, just slowwwwww! They are PDF's and I can get them without logging in (I'm not a member!) They are around 5 meg and the site is slow, that may explain any trouble you are having.

  5. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Most odd...this is what I get..and with the hydro website link too:

    website msg.jpg
  6. daiquiri
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  7. Moggy
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    Moggy Senior Member

    Do you have a pdf handler installed? The Adobe Acrobat plugin or Nitro? If so does it work with other downloadable PDFs?
  8. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    I tried on my laptop which is running Win.7 and works....i also tried using Firefox on this desktop (which is running on XP Pro) works....but when i use my deflaut IE (on XP Pro) doesn't??

    Yes, pdf on other sites work ok???

    IE opens up another window...says the web page is being recovered...and then crashes to the page shown above...most weird? idea. I just press buttons :(
  9. Moggy
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    Moggy Senior Member

    The %20 characters in the URL represent spaces, that may be giving you trouble, once upon a time spaces where not handled at all, now they are but there are some legacy issues there in some circumstances. It is best practice not to have spaces in URL's but people do it!

    Just a guess!
  10. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Most odd...i have noticed that all links to site with longer opens/works??..Ive just tried other sites with links.

    This was working ok a few days something has changed in my IE. No idea what??
    I know new upgrades are downloaded automatically perhaps IE has changed a setting I'm not aware of?

  11. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect


    Must have been an auto-update.:mad::mad:

    I went here:
    clicked the "..Fix Internet Explorer add-on problems when IE hangs or freezes.."..spotted some script thingy.

    And now I can open pdf links again :)
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