The 18 Foot SeaSled

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Darkzillicon, Jan 23, 2023.

  1. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    You never responded regarding fuel tanks.

    Why so big?
    Extra weight on a sea sled is no big deal but there needs to be a benefit.

    I'd be okay with their placement in your drawing if you moved the driver's seat aft.
    Fuel, being a variable load, is best stored close, or slightly aft, of CoG, where you have it.
    Sea Sleds lack fwd buoyancy and they are planing hulls so favour aft loading.
    Passengers up front is fun, carry-on aft to compensate, that kind of thinking.

    EDIT: Hey, you're a Florida guy, have you considered a fan on the back?
    Electric is possible but still a bit noisy.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2023
  2. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    I'm working on the fuel tank response; I apologize I have a lot of stuff happening at work that all seems to have a deadline of May 1st. However generally the slowdown has been that I haven't had time to make the template to match the curve of the hull. I will update soon.
  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    No need for an elaborate answer Darkzillicon.

    Why so big on the fuel tanks? Should be an easy answer.
  4. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    Well, I think I mentioned in my post that was somewhat of a worst case scenario. I wanted to see how much fuel could be practically carried in the boat, and what my range would be. it seems like if the sea-sled is as fast and stable as it is reputed to be…I probably would want to run it with heavy throttle quite often. I think the optimal scenario would be perhaps half that amount of fuel.. I once cruised my 35’ Searay from Marco island, fl to marathon in the keys in 6 foot seas in the gulf and still had 125 gallons in the tanks. Being able to do an 8 hour run is about all the cruising you typically want to do in a day unless it’s very protected water.
  5. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Fantastic! Thank you.
    I found the post you reference.
    My input would be not to go any larger on your fuel tanks.
    Have you sourced any yet or will these be custom made?
    Plastic vs metal can reduce condensation (inside and out).
  6. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    I think I could survive happily with 40-50 gallons total. My basic plan was to template the tanks then have them quoted by Florida marine tanks Product Line – Florida Marine Tanks
    who aren’t even located in Florida lol. If they give me an insanely high price I’ll embark on making them of epoxy and fiberglass I would like them to be molded into the sides or bottom of the boat. Mainly to be out of the way and use space effectively.

    I have concerns about bottom tankage and bilge space as there is only around 3” between the deck beams and the inner hull. Scuppers will be interesting as well.
  7. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    I don't know all your circumstances but, 40 - 50 US gallons total, sounds much more reasonable.
    Once you get a quote on two, custom, metal tanks I think your search for a single, plastic pre-fabbed tank will be spurred on considerably.
    Pre-fabs often come with all the fittings.
  8. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Is this boat subject to survey?
  9. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    It will be when I am done with it. I do plan to insure the thing.
  10. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    I will certainly let you guys know, if only for the entertainment value. I will most likely take the template and then make a 3d model of it to be sent off for quoting.
  11. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    Did some sketching today trying to integrate all of my ideas about the superstructure and see what looks best. Really just don’t have the length to get the height I want but I will have my cabin even if I have to crawl on my knees.


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  12. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Nothing worse than 1/2" too little headroom...
    (Nice fuel tank(s).)
  13. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    Cut some strips of 3/8 Douglas Fir to start planking the port side of the bow. I took some time to study the drawing and I think that I know how to skin this cat . IMG_4735.jpeg
    Last edited: May 3, 2023
  14. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Sure reminds me of @DogCavalry's build at this stage.
    He had 5/8" x 1 1/2" strips I believe.
    Spruce/pine/fir (SPF as it's known around here).
    He had some challenges twisting his enough at times.
    Might be worth having a gander at his thread, starting around page 10.
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  15. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I did. There was an area about 5' back from the bow where I was asking too much of the wood. Lots of broken sticks. I trimmed down bulkhead 2 and it was fine after that.

    ⅝ by 1½" spf is correct
    BlueBell likes this.
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