Thailand Sailing Multihulls

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Swabber, Feb 19, 2009.

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  1. To avoid misunderstanding here screen picture of RB sent email with answer on specs required by RWJ and request of additional pictures of interiors.
    NOTE we do not offer on sale boats without permission or specifical request of owner....!!

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  2. rzj7l2
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    rzj7l2 Junior Member


    Do you really feel it's your boat? Creed paid ~90% of what you are asking for but still you think it's 100% your boat.

    In case you sell it for US 125k will you refund what Creed paid so far??

    Aha. The emails look different.

    I don't know your yard's workmanship but I can see the lack of personal and business integrity shown in every post you made here. Lies and dishonesty, hidden agendas and wrong accusations. Not only of potential customers but also your buddy of AB.

    Myself and some others will react appropriately and stay clear away from you and your yard.
    We'll see if RB is still in business in a year or two.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2009
  3. Colleague, please! with all respectful for everybody.
  4. rzj7l2
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    rzj7l2 Junior Member

    Acknowledged. You obviously know your relationship better than me.
  5. alberto88
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    alberto88 Junior Member

    I have seen the tiki boat before in Ocean Marina.

    Seems like built ok, not perfect, but good enough; it is only a cruising catamaran.

    If you want the best boat, then buy a Wally. If you want ok boat, then buy a Beneteau....cannot expect to get a Wally for the price of a Beneteau.

    Both produce at different price level and quality; no problem.
  6. fullcave
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    fullcave Junior Member

    Well no problem for you anyway...:D
  7. Sure a spartan boat for a "spartan" sailor, not a yacht and not much sense (my opinion) to have interior with a yacht finish. So to be honest this Tiki 38 was built in line with his character, if not more then what a real Wharram cat sailor would expect. Here another example:
    sure not a yacht...
  8. dutz
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    dutz Junior Member

    pollution concerns catching up with builder

    See the article.

    Says it all.


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  9. RB PowerSailing
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    RB PowerSailing Senior Member


    Hi Dutz

    still busy eh ?

    This article don't says it all ; for example don't say that we installed , unique case in Thailand i guess , a complete carbon filter system for the shed and that the Health Department checked the air in many areas without any data exceeding the regulations .

    This article don't say that we bought 11,000 Sq mts of land just behind the existing factory and the Authorities approved the construction of what will be the largest boatyard of the country , under single shed .

    The construction will start within the end of march .

    Within August 2009 we will move the facility of Thepprasit Road into the new shed .

    Anyway , dear Dutz , you can go back to your armchair and relax . RB is expanding and there are no problems , i am very sorry for you buddy :D

    I will publish some pics of our new facility in Chonbury , river front , with 3,200 sq mt of sheds .

    You are a very active gentleman ... i missed that article . Anyway local Authorities are very cooperative and helpful and of course nobody ever talked about closing the yard ... why ?! ... it has been a logical issue of reducing the pollution to the levels foreseen by the Regulations . And we worked together with the Industrial Department of Chonbury area and they provided a plan for the air filtering system , that RB built right away .

    We are very aware of the risks involved in fiberglass processes , and of course it is our main aim to reduce the pollution and the risks .

    I am happy to say that inside our factory smell and dust is reduced to a very minimum level , absolutely under control .


  10. Sorry Sir.... but what says this article of really interesting? if you open a company in a rural countryside area and then someone buys the land opposite to your factory, for few thousand Baht for sq mt (relatively cheap), built houses supposed to be High-Class European standard (but aren’t) and tries to sell them at twenty-thirty time the cost, off course he will try also to complain with authorities (and PAYS newspapers) against your company reporting that makes dust and other similar health hazard products. But frankly making boats isn't like to handle asbestos, I guess. Otherwise many companies running all around the word by many of Boatdesign forum members have to close as well (just for making a little dust??). Making some fairing dust in a rural zone isn’t criminal I guess, especially if you give work in the area to many local families (that seems don’t complain about, this is just a small newspaper for foreigners). Building luxury Villa doesn’t give any support to locals, I guess!! It is really ridiculous that a boatyard has to close because one foreigner (only one) living opposite the yard reports the risk to get cancer by a boatyard dust in a very open rural area... please!! He just try to make more easy his house marketing. Building Villas with 300-500K Baht and try to reselling at 15 million THB could really be considered criminal, or at least... amoral (but law permitted here) .... Please... find another way to blame your enemy!! or find another house...
  11. RB PowerSailing
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    RB PowerSailing Senior Member

    criminal villas maker

    I even offered at that time to the owner of the "Royal" Phoenix , the permit to use our facilities as parking for boats and offer it together with his houses .....

    I would like to know who is this journalist and which newspaper ! I just asked Allan and he got no idea of what they write overthere . Absolutely no problem or communication , even informal , from the Authorities . Interesting to have a speech with that editor . Who knows who is ? Pattaya Mail ? Pattaya Today ?

    Do you know , AB ?
  12. Probably a "free" newspaper where your enemy paid advertising for sale luxury expensive villas in a remote rural area... I guess. Note the page, one article, five advertises!! Nothing to be surprised. If I make a advertise on a Free newspaper automatically I became the best boat builder in the newspaper area... I pay!!
  13. Armchair posters, I am back!!
    Here asbestos armchair and anti-dust armchair, offered "free" with a luxury villa in rural area (just opposite your preferred boatyard....).

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  14. RB PowerSailing
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    RB PowerSailing Senior Member


    Finally back the armchair posters detector !!

    Welcome back ! I was missing those posts !! ( the only posts which content makes sense , i should add )

  15. RB PowerSailing
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    RB PowerSailing Senior Member

    nice image of RB plant

    Dear All

    from the attached image , it is evident that the pollution at RB plant is under control and strictly without impact on the environment ; so our neighbour can keep selling his huge and nice villas ( images to follow briefly ) without being affected by our dust

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