Thailand Sailing Multihulls

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Swabber, Feb 19, 2009.

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  1. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Nono, even that is unreliable here, the coordinates are wrong. Maybe just the providers position?
    But I fear them.......................
    See you in Osnabrück, oder wo auch immer...
  2. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    Guys, this thread is getting very similar to previous one.

    The guy registers new nickname and start asking about catamaran in Thailand. Then start replying himself under different name. Then other 2 dudes nicknamed 'also concerned', 'siam armchair sailor' and other 'been done-s' come into play placing claims without any proofs, but creating effect of unsatisfied crowd. Global boatbuilding market due diligence self-analyst (or just 'dutz') is providing free advice... how to invest the money and choose right time to stop the construction :D Then some respectable of us starting to doubt marina fees in Thailand based on charges in Germany and Monaco. Then it comes to the quality of Creed's Tiki... judged by photos of another boat. Don't You think it is too boring?

    If there are unsatisfied customers - go to court. I suggest to close this thread.

    P.S. Anyway I advise RB do not reply further in this thread. Just keep building boats - have to launch 2 boats this month.
  3. Bruce Woods
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    Bruce Woods Senior Member

    Nice one smart Alik. Interesting , the vigor with which supposedly false claims by imbeciles are being defended here. MMmmmmm.

    Has boat building in Asia progressed much from the days when rolling news paper (Asian roving) into laminates was consider standard practice? Maybe someone on this thread can help with that one.
  4. propshaft
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    propshaft Junior Member

    Bruce, was that Thai newspapers, Malaysian, Chinese or maybe Australian?

    Suppose Australian and Malaysian newspapers are better, because hieroglyphs in laminates cause tendency towards creep :)
  5. fullcave
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    fullcave Junior Member

    Guys whatever your opinions are about RB Power & Sailing may I remind you that it’s not fair to label Thailand as building an inferior product! These are foreign nationals and these are civil cases. As with most civilized countries in the world the authorities here can do nothing without due process.

    OK that's my two cents.:cool:
  6. propshaft
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    propshaft Junior Member

    True, but Bruce Woods believes that he has seen newspapers in his boat. Still waiting his confirmation if it was Thai newspaper or not :D

    Civilized? You mean those who 'bomb for democracy'?
  7. fullcave
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    fullcave Junior Member

    No I mean civilized as in "peaceful". :idea:
  8. RWJ
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    RWJ Junior Member

    Learn to read


    Maybe you should stick to your 1st language because you have some serious reading comprehension skills.

    Again one more time slooooooowly.

    I approach Andamann with some photos of another boat for an example of what I would like.

    Andamann responds back with many photos of Creeds boat in an e-mail and offers me Creeds boat for sale. After looking at the photos, I decide the workmanship is sloppy.

    I even sent you an e-mail concerning the hull redesign, and you responded back with some "smart Alik" response and nothing intelligent.

    Now if you find this thread so boring, then get lost. We have every right to sit around and discuss boat quality and boat yards as long as we like.

  9. propshaft
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    propshaft Junior Member

    Intelligent RJW, just wonder how many languages can You speak?

    Not right place to comment language skills here. But can notice that some posters mostly from US do it on regular basis.
  10. RWJ
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    RWJ Junior Member

    Hola Propshaft


    callate pendejo

    Does that answer your question Mr. Good Ambassador of Thailand?

    These threads are all over the internet, and come up during every Thailand boatbuilding search.

    You guys have done an effective job of representing what Thailand has to offer in boat building.


  11. propshaft
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    propshaft Junior Member

    Knowledge of one foreign language makes You a valuable addition to collection of been.done and couple of other idiots. With this strong team You can 'sit around and discuss' the quality of boats You have seen only on disputable photos :D
  12. fullcave
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    fullcave Junior Member


    I repeat these are foreign nationals in Thailand :!: It’s irrelevant if you like Americans or not as RB Power & Sailing represents neither.;)
  13. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    My guess is that in todays market you could build a comparable hull, with cabinets, doors, windows, appliances, heat/AC, engine and drive in the USA for the same price as in Thailand. I do not speak of (sail) outfitting as I know little about that. And then it would be built under US contract law which protects the consumer. My 25 cents on the subject.
  14. ******* ,
    You asked me to sell your boat if I had an enquiry on Tiki cat... C’mon. You sent me all pictures to forward to Mr. Jones (Note Please Mr. Jones I am sorry for this misunderstand!!) and you asked me everyday what he was deciding about. I have record of all emails. So do not write that you don't know about. Or write it...up to you!!

  15. Please note I do not think that Mr. Jones RWJ has intention to despise interior workmanship of the Tiki 38 in question, he just said that isn't at a wonderful level of craftsmanship. Off course it is quite related to the price RB asked. If you note I quoted to him 185K for the same work but with nice interiors that have a different cost. But I believe his intention is not to offending anyone. Then everybody can have his own opinion on what it is a good level of craftsmanship, I guess...
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