texas sled hull

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by willdabeast 017, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. willdabeast 017
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    willdabeast 017 New Member

    Im 14 and I live near lake michigan so I need something that is sea worthy and relatively easy to build. I like the hull design of a sea sled or maybe a texas sled, and Im okay fixing up an old boat Into what I want as long as it has the hull that I want.
  2. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Do you want a sailboat or a motor boat?
    I don't know what a texas sled is - and I'm from texas.
  3. Westfield 11
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    Westfield 11 Senior Member

    Would you like me to Google that for you?
  4. DCockey
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  5. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Wildabeast; try to compromise what you "want" with what is best suited for your purpose. It is too easy to decide that a certain design is cool, even though it may be a very poor choice. Please talk to, and heed the advice, of some experienced boatmen in your area before you can really know what it is that you want or need.
  6. willdabeast 017
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    willdabeast 017 New Member

    it is a motor boat and i was searching the internet when i found it
  7. PAR
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    The Texas Sled is a version of the Hickman Sea Sled, and inverted V hull of some notoriety. Many designers have a version of this design including me, though there are some that aren't as good as others, because of inherent issues with the design.

    Why do you think you need a "sea sled" style of design?
  8. willdabeast 017
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    willdabeast 017 New Member

    Well I have heard that this hull is strong enough for lake michigan and it can be fast with low amounts of hp

  9. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Any particular hull's shape has no bearing on how "strong" it is. This is simply a function of it's scantlings engineering.

    All V hulls will need a bit more power than a flat bottom for the same speed potential. The inverted V is slightly better than the normal V bottoms, but there are other considerations as well, such as maneuverability, estimated cruising speed, desired top speed, accommodations, HP expectations, fuel efficiency, etc.

    Most any boat can take on Lake Michigan, given a prudent skipper. In this same vain, even the most seaworthy hull form can be overwhelmed by the complacency of it's skipper. In fact, this is what usually causes trouble, not the type of hull form selected.

    What will you be doing in Lake Michigan, how far out, activities, crew size, skipper skills, how fast do you want to go, etc., etc., etc.?
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