Taking Off the Training Wheels (Sailing a Hydrofoil Trimaran Without the Amas)

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Halsey, Jul 10, 2008.

  1. Baltic Bandit

    Baltic Bandit Previous Member

    Doug that's why the Weta uses a submergible ama. essentially you open an access hatch/drain hole, flood the ama - letting you right the boat, then close the drain hole so its again a one way out valve and away you go.

    Busman, I get the issue of flying into solid parts of the boat - HighOnCarbon has a video on Sailing anarchy (where he posts as Blunted) from his C--Class crash where his "retainer" snapped when they nosedived during practice sending him around the shrouds and under the middle of the boat and I remember sailing in the Melbourne 49er Worlds where a boat that crashed ahead of us had to pull out for the rest of racing that day because the crew was only wearing a shortie wetsuit and when he was thrown into "the cheese grater" (the monel cap, upper and lower shrouds) he sliced his leg through the skin and into the tibia.

    But it strikes me that a padded brace of somesort might be a better solution.
  2. keysdisease
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    No training wheels, just keep running.

    The Moths are having their winter championships at my club in Key Largo, the Upper Keys Sailing Club. These things are crazy to watch (pic was not taken in Keys, we have no mountains, only sunsets)

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  3. Baltic Bandit

    Baltic Bandit Previous Member

    being on the water in a skiff feeling like you are going damned fast, only to get passed by one of these things like you were standing still is quite amazing.
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