swim up bar boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by headtofoot, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. headtofoot
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    headtofoot Junior Member

    Hi, I'm looking to design a boat that is supported mainly by two pontoons that act as a bar top. In between the two pontoons i want to have a standing aerial of around 4ft. The concept is a swim up bar where patrons can swim up and sit on a stool to have a drink while the boat is in the ocean. Any ideas?
  2. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Crazy question? Are the bar stool seats bases set up at water level around the outside or inside of the pontoons. Say with a telescopic foot rest extending down under water.The reason I ask if so, the individual seat base itself will act as a dampener to kill 75% of the rolling associated with natural waves and especially for the ever present idiot that is doing figure eights with 500horse clamped to the transom because he has the small ***** syndrome. Otherwise unless you use a closed top drink holder you'll have alot of pissed off customers. Especially myself if I have a double of 20yr. Eldorado on the go. :D
  3. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    Don't try that in the PACIFIC off the Oregon coast. PS to viking north whats with the tiny dick stuff just because I enjoy swamping other boats.....................I only do it to fiberglass boats, never to wood ones. Build your pontoon boat out of wood.
  4. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Ha Ha, Now be kind to a 2nd. Tennessee regiment "a wall" soldier otherwise i'll have the boys hunt down that wooden boat to heat out coffee.
  5. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    UUT OW, I'm USMC
  6. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    USMC we'll not touch your craft --most important men in the unit -- even during the days of cannon and musket. I was of course referring to re enactment, In real past life i'm ex RCAF. Was out your way in 2009.
    Ok best get back on topic here, Headtofoot, Neat idea, do you have a basic drawing of your idea we could have a look at.
  7. headtofoot
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    headtofoot Junior Member

    I am used to building out of wood with fiberglass. I don't quite understand how to submerge the central cabin. I think the seats will be attached right to the cabin wall or maybe just not have them at all and have inflatable sears for patrons
  8. headtofoot
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    headtofoot Junior Member

    Just tried to upload my sketch but cant from my phone. It is a design to the Ego semi submersible sub. With the pontoons supporting the central load
  9. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Ok got the idea, visiting swimmers actually climb aboard and step down into a submerged central flooded area or swim up from underneath and take a seat which i visualize ; that seat will be slightly submerged but in front of a bar that is above water. I think if I were to do it I would do away with the seating (takes up too much valuable space) and simply have a standing /leaning on bar. I'm not sure the underwater access into the bar is a good idea in tight crowded quarters however as an exit option it might be neat. You might also want to include water circulation pumps for obvious reasons. :) Anyhow a rough drawing would be great, and i'm sure would generate some interesting input.
  10. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    headtofoot, I see your living where there is warm salt water and you mention having drinks in the ocean and mention people can swim up and have a drink. Is this a paying proposition and how far off shore are you going to be? I see people having 3 to 4 drinks
    in hot weather and people not used to drinking doing this. Are you going to have lifeguards, offer free life vests, have a boat to take them to shore??? Just a thought you need to give some real thoughts to. I love drinks and have been a certified lifeguard in earlier days and heat and booze and vacation fun kept me busy and this was a pool. So think it through, fully........... Could you even get insurance for such a venture? I think not. And you as a supplier will be sued first if there is an accident or death.
    clmanges likes this.
  11. Westfield 11
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    Westfield 11 Senior Member

    On what planet are drunks able to swim up to a floating bar boat in the ocean and drink some more? Some place with no lawyers, insurance companies or regulations? Oh well, they might freeze in the cold water, but at least you won't lose your place at the bar if you need to pee......
  12. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Pee !! Re the circulating pumps :D. While like you guys i've pondered the possible complications and legal problems, i'm still kind of curious on the concept vision of this craft. Just to be the devils advocate here --would he be any more legally responsible than a bar on the beach where a drunken patron could walk into the water and drown or stroll into the street and get slammed by an auto. Hey maybe it's a bar for long distance swimmers set up in international waters. :)
  13. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    It sounds like a fine idea to me.

    So how big is this contraption?

    Will you have to motorize it to get to where the people are and to keep it in an area, like in front of this hotel or that hotel?

    Will you have to deal with sharks or things like that?

    Will you need electrical power for refrigeration or music?

    Will you want a Bimini top or something?

    What will be the ocean conditions with waves etc?

    Will there be food too?

    I can see a lot of possibilities for this, I can imagine a pontoon boat with a sit in the water bar or up the steps to a deck bar....a jet drive would pretty much eliminate drunks getting chewed up by a propeller.
  14. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Somewhere like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq5LlHuxQJM where you can drift down the river from bar to bar & zip line & jump from heights along the way, with the swim up ocean bar it's much safer, no climbing or jumping!

  15. Nate57
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    Nate57 Junior Member

    I had the same idea for similar waters here in Belize but (of course) never built it. I envisioned simply strapping 55 gal plastic barrels together in a rectangle with bamboo culms. Then adding the bar top, seats etc. and a palapa style cover. Probably would need substantial rebuilding each season and regular scrubbing below waterline. My concern was the bartender having to stand waist deep in water all shift. Otherwise one would have to build an actual "boat" of sorts. Another problem was how to lock up or remove all the booze at night. If you build it please post pictures!
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