Swim.platfrom hydraulics

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Nick Wootton, Jan 4, 2025.

  1. Nick Wootton
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    Nick Wootton New Member

    I've just come across this site and read a long thread on swim.platform build which was super informative. Does anyone out there know of a hydraulic out of the box lifting kit supplier. Splash steps llc doesn't appear to exist and there are few and far between in my searches. Ideally I would like to provide dimensions of the platform and then buy a bolt on hydraulic kit. Nothing fancy just out and down and then back up to boat level. Uk and Europe super limited.
    Thanks if anyone can help
  2. montero
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  3. montero
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  4. montero
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  5. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Found the splash steps llc YouTube, that's a very slick method with good geometry on the steps as well as. Looks like the internet footprint ends about eight years ago so your probably right on it being gone.

    Cursory look besenzoni has what looks like the same basic mechanics as the sealift setup. Although looking closely at the mechanical mechanism it's no where near as refined as the splash steps unit.

    Text a link to a friend of mine who does sport and pleasure boats to see if he knows of a one off solution. The hydraulics of them are the easy part, that geometry with the well spaced synchronized steps and platform are the tough part....
  6. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Hi Nick,

    Welcome to the Forum.

    Have you considered electric over hydraulic?
    Unless you already have hydraulics on board,
    you may want to consider electric.


  7. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    I read it as he wanted an entire platform setup, not necessarily just the actuator.

    The mechanism to me is the harder part to find, there certainly are other outfits making them but the videos of the company the op referenced certainly were a smoother mousetrap.

    Actuation would be a chip shot for any hydraulic guy. Not needing significant speed to deploy, could use a large sump self contained direct reversing plow pump. Run the ports through some extended jic stainless bulkhead fittings to the ram. Much easier to find a corrosion resistant hydraulic ram than a electric linear actuator that can move that kind of weight.
    BlueBell likes this.
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