SWATH resistance predictions using Michlet

Discussion in 'Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics' started by Leo Lazauskas, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    We should know what to do by now. If you need information from Ad Hoc,
    just write an SOR for pulling teeth from a lion :)
  2. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Better be clear which tooth, lion's can be tricky buggers :p
  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Finally got around to read this one.

    Hmmm...did he pass??..not very good at all. Way way too many assumptions, just to get some "numbers". The SLICE hull configuration he uses is nothing like the actual SLICE.

    Nowhere does he show units...terrible. Defeitions are hard to find.

    Does not show any actual data of an actual hull form, just numbers from geometry. So ok, lets see what those numbers mean. His displacement length ratio is all to cock....the numbers are meaningless. Since if i use the actual SLICE values with his D/L ratio, the actual length of Lider, shown in previous post would be 8m long!!!

    Only 9 references too. I had some 150 ref's and 300 bibliography for my Masters thesis.
  4. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    No idea if it passed or not. I just find them, John. It's up to you "academics" to mark them. :)
  5. zeroname
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    zeroname Naval Architect

    i have a swath model from rhino... which format michlet can read? iges ?
  6. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    The Michlet manual describes the input file and the several ways geometry can be entered. Special formats are used.

    Michlet can be downloaded using this page: http://www.cyberiad.net/michlet.htm
  7. jarocho87
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    jarocho87 New Member

    Lider and Tenaz are in Mexico, but they are not in service, they never did, I can't tell you why, but never came into service
  8. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    I know why, but I'm not sure that I can say publicly, for legal reasons. :(
  9. jarocho87
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    jarocho87 New Member

    I know why also, and I know for sure that I canĀ“t say it publicly, hahahahahahaha also legal reasons

  10. hongbohou
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    hongbohou Junior Member

    Hi~ I'm a student of naval architecture in newcastle university, my dissertation is improving SWATH vessel with rhino + maxsurf. But i don't have any dimensions of a SWATH. Can you help me if you have any plan or model.
    best regards!
  11. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

  12. hongbohou
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  13. hongbohou
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    hongbohou Junior Member

    Hi~I'm a student of naval architecture in newcastle university, my dissertation is improving SWATH vessel with rhino + maxsurf. But i don't have any dimensions about a SWATH using as an original one,and my tutor don't have too. Can you help me if you still have the SWATH model ?
    best regards!
  14. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Good luck with your dissertation.

    What do you mean by...."improving".....can you define this please.

  15. hongbohou
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    hongbohou Junior Member

    Thank you~my dissertation is to reduce the resistance of SWATH, by two ways, the first one is lifting the thin connection haunch structure out of water using 4 pillars when the ship is operating in proper sea condition,so the waterplane area and the wet surface will reduce.the second one is just optimize the shape of the cylindrical pontoon.Of course i'm just doing my master's degree, So it won't be so complex ~~
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