suzuki dt65

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by bfish, May 4, 2011.

  1. bfish
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    bfish Junior Member

    i just got this suzuki dt65 and i need to know the year i pulled all the #'s i could find they are 06502 501371 i hope some one knows what year of motor i have from the #'s provided and can let me know thanks :confused:
  2. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    many of the makers have stopped putting the year into the serial number saying its of no importance ...all to do with stock and sales not matching so they can carry over stock to the next year ...think you are out of luck...but of course if its a dt 65 its not current ......there seems to jbe a pre 82 dt65 and a 85 to 97 just judge it like a women ...go by the condition .....sometimes you can play a good tune on an old girl ....
  3. bfish
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    bfish Junior Member

    thanks for the answer pistnbroke.
  4. Wynand N
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

    Your engine is a 1985 model;)

    Here is the link to check the serial number yourself and a good place to find spares with microfiche pics of parts on line - just click details button next to your model year...
  5. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    as I understand it the serial number does not relate to the year BUT the first engine shipped in say 1985 had its serial number recorded and hence all those sold up to the first of 1986 were classed as 1985 models ...Thanks for finding someone who has the data on this system
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  6. bfish
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    bfish Junior Member

    thank you all for the hellp finding the year of my motor so i can find a good manual thanks again
  7. Natlowe
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    Natlowe New Member

    Need help

    Hi guys the link here is invalid, and I need to find the year of my dt65 outboard, can anyone help please?
  8. Natlowe
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    Natlowe New Member

    Bump* anyone?
  9. jonr
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  10. Natlowe
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    Natlowe New Member

    Thanks very much jonr, you're a lifesaver, exactly what I'm after:)

  11. rwatson
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