Surfaced Submarine Inspired Nano Open Sea Sailboat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mustafaumu sarac, Oct 28, 2020.

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  1. mustafaumu sarac
    Joined: May 2017
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    I think my biggest fears on a boat is 180 degrees capsize and loss of integrity
    I am thinking to cover an polyethylene horizontal cylinder water tank with grp and put a long bulb in front of it and a keel under it.

    It will be 1,8 meters long and 120 cms diameter. Its PE , 80 Kilograms and 6 mm thick, I will add grp rowing another 65 kilos. Front Bulb will be grp. Keel will be 40 kgs.

    Total cost is less than 170 dollars.

    Sail will be marconi with been cut 10 meters boats mast

    I cant build better boat to this price.

    Does it sails or worst design ?
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Mustafa, the cost of the fibreglass, the keel and the rig will be the same regardless of if you build a cylindrical water tank hull or a 'proper' hull that will sail well.

    So why build a cylinder if you can have a proper boat instead?
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  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    A cylinder is a really bad hull design. If you make the end tapered or pointy, there will be no interior space. Also, to be on deck you should practice log rolling like lumberjacks do.
  4. clmanges
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    clmanges Senior Member

    Oh, but just think of the secondary stability!
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What secondary stability? The only advantage I can see is that the stability curve is easy to calculate. Other than that, it is a horrible idea.
  6. NomadOmad
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    NomadOmad Junior Member

    A radical idea would be to use wire to make the shape similar to this kayak then shrink wrap it just the same as this kayak design.

    then make another exactly the same shape around the outside 1.5 inch gap which would house the wire mesh, then pour in Farough cement And vibrate to bring up all the air bubbles

    Attached Files:

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  7. NomadOmad
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    NomadOmad Junior Member

    This design really inspired me and got me thinking about my long time dream to make a personal live abroad submarine

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  8. Quidnic
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    Quidnic Junior Member

    how big?

    Would you have a tower like most submarine designs?
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  9. NomadOmad
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    NomadOmad Junior Member

    Dimensions would be 50’x 6’6” so that it could navigate most canals

    yes a small conning tower with water tight hatch. A periscope and snorkel for the small Diesel engine

    ballast tanks fore and aft with pressurised air tanks to blow the tanks to surface. Keep it really simple design.
  10. NomadOmad
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    NomadOmad Junior Member

    Step 1. build the inner shell frame with wire. Very similar to this kayak design but 50’ and wire instead of wood frame, and a small conning tower with entrance hole.

    step 2. Shrink wrap the entire hull a few times, then cover with wire mesh, similar to chicken mesh, then shrink wrap a second time leaving about 1.5-2.5” gap between the two layers.

    step 3. Cut hole at highest point on conning tower and pour in very high quality ferro cement and use vibration to bring up all the air bubbles.

    step 4. Once cured, fit out with watertight hatch, ballast tanks, a compressor small Diesel engine, periscope and rudder.
  11. NomadOmad
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    NomadOmad Junior Member

  12. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Yes, that crackhead idea has been around for a while.
  13. NomadOmad
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    NomadOmad Junior Member

    Why is it a crackhead idea?

    why do you think it won’t work?
  14. clmanges
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    clmanges Senior Member

    Just when I thought I'd seen everything ...

  15. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    It'll work great!
    Subs are cool, they are one of the few boats designed to sink.
    Photos and videos please NO!
    Good luck, get life insurance.
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