Supplying silicon bronze fasteners at good price

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by yushung, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. yushung
    Joined: Jan 2010
    Posts: 1
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    Location: China

    yushung New Member

    Yushung specialize in manufacturing many bronze fasteners which has many items for your urgent needs as follows:
    Silicon bronze hex lag bolts full body cutting thread
    3/8 x 5"
    3/8 x 6"
    1/2 x 4"
    1/2 x 6"
    1/2 x 7"
    1/2 x 8"
    1/2 x 10"
    1/2 x 12"
    5/8 x 6"
    5/8 x 7"
    5/8 x 8"
    5/8 x 10"
    5/8 x 12"
    3/4x 6"
    3/4 x 7"
    3/4 x 8"
    3/4 x 10"
    3/4 x 12"
    Silicon bronze carriage bolts full body cutting thread
    1/4-20 x 6"
    1/4-20 x 8"
    1/4-20 x 10"
    5/16-18 x 6"
    5/16-18 x 8"
    5/16-18 x 10"
    3/8-16 x 6"
    3/8-16 x 7"
    3/8-15 x 8"
    3/8-16 x 10"
    3/8-16 x 12"
    1/2-13 x 6"
    1/2-13 x 8"
    1/2-13 x 10"
    1/2-13 x 12"
    Silicon bronze slotted flat & oval head bolts full body cutting thread
    1/4-20 x 6"
    1/4-20 x 8"
    1/4-20 x 10"
    5/16-18 x 6"
    5/16-18 x 8"
    5/16-18 x 10"
    3/8-16 x 6"
    3/8-16 x 7"
    3/8-15 x 8"
    3/8-16 x 10"
    3/8-16 x 12"
    1/2-13 x 6"
    1/2-13 x 8"
    1/2-13 x 10"
    1/2-13 x 12"
    5/8-11 x 4"
    5/8-11 x 5"
    5/8-11 x 6"
    5/8-11 x 8"
    5/8-11 x 10"
    5/8-11 x 12"
    3/4-10 x 6"
    3/4-10 x 7"
    3/4-10 x 8"
    3/4-10 x 10"
    3/4-10 x 12"
    Silicon bronze split medium lockwasher
    Silicon bronze hex heavy / finished / Jam nuts
    1 1/4-7
    1 1/2-6
    Silicon bronze threaded rods full threads
    1/4-20 x 3'/6'
    5/16-18 x 3'/6'
    3/8-16 x 3'/6'
    1/2-13 x 3'/6'
    5/8-11 x 3'/6'
    3/4-10 x 3'/6'
    7/8-9 x 3'/6'
    1-8 x 3'/6'
    Please visit and let us know your urgent need,we will try our best to meet your demands.Thank you.

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