Superyacht concepts

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by newbeee, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. newbeee
    Joined: Jun 2019
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    newbeee New Member

    Hello! Need any thoughts and advices.
    How do designers, who create a superyacht concept, protect their rights? Does it make sense to offer a concept for sale? Are there any buyers for this? Or is there a lot of ideas on the market and market needs only ready-made projects? Thanks!
  2. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    Yacht designers, esp. those with the capacity to offer "superyachts", do not sell a design, they offer the service of custom design to their clients. They will publish a few basic designs but most of their portfolio and all of their reputation is in their prior work.
  3. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Superyacht designs are sold from reputation and name of designer.
    But it is always good to make reputation on smaller boats first ;)
  4. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    all the preceding is correct.
    from my experience (small boats- under 25m) the initial ('concept') sketch is done after the client submits his 'statement of requirements' (ie:wish list). After review, discussions, etc. the design proceeds from there.

    ps: whoever does the concept must know what they are doing so they don't create an 'architect's dream' ....a boat that can't be built

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2019
  5. newbeee
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    newbeee New Member

    You mean that this concept is not protected, cannot be potentially sold and so on?
  6. JamesG123
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    Sold by whom? That video is just someone's CG scribbles. It might as well be a spaceship.

    No you can't patent or trademark "a boat". High-end luxury craft are sold not by what they look like,but by reputation mainly. The reputation of the builder AND the designer. Neither the customers nor builders they cater too will deal with a designer that is known for ripping off other designers. Its a small, snooty business. So its a self-correcting problem.

    The people with the millions to spend on essentially a toy, do not make decisions based on a generic YT video any more than they go down't to Bob's used MegaYacht yard. They expect to be wined and dined and otherwise catered to and have only the best. A funky looking design is only the very beginning of the sale process.
  7. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    The hard thing for any designer looks to me to talk the technical impossible wishes out of the client's head, and still get the contract.

    Like eg. an ocean going skyscraper with a large pool on top that always keeps calm, without having the matching length and beam, or whatever impossible wishes they might have.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2019

  8. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    As presented that looks like a marina queen to me, suggest she's designed to stay upright and be well stabilized, then the water in the large pools would still slosh all over the little (295' - 89.9 m) boat when going to sea with it.

    Below the behavior of even small pools on large well stabilized cruise ships in some rough seas, while the guests who like to be outside are still walking around at ease, and some are enjoying the pool side, not a bad situation at sea at all...

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2019
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