super-size 15'4" Grumman SportBoat into 23'6" SportsUtilityVessel?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Squidly-Diddly, Sep 5, 2021.

  1. Squidly-Diddly
    Joined: Sep 2007
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    Concept is an all around boat small enough to be solo human powered but big enough for serious work and expeditions and overnighting several people if needed.
    SportBoat is 43" beam so SUV would be about 5'6" beam.
    Orange shows location of twin daggerboard slots on outside hull and dark green shows exterior view of dagger(s). Yellow shows location of slots which would rise to gunnels. Light green shows uses/locations of additional multi-purpose dagger-planks as seating and spray shields. Planks could also be used for hiking out when sailing fast in good wind and as gang-planks for crossing soft mud at landings. Dagger Plank would also be rudder when clamped into frame.

    Not show is some pre-engineenered scheme to use sail(s) and mast(s) as both camping(on the boat) and underway tents. Not sure if should be sloop, cat-rigged, twin cat or what. Maybe three mast steppes set into keel and corresponding brackets at the gunnels and use extra Dagger Planks to brace mast(s). Not shown is scheme for single or double sliding seat rowing rigs, but the hull would be open and unobstructed from the front compartment to the transom if Dagger Plank seating is removed.

    I'm thinking the bow should be hollow lockable water tight compartment a bit bigger than on the SportBoat and a good place to store outboards.

    Design wise I'm thinking about 40% sailing, 30% power, 25% rowing and 5% paddling. Based on SportBoat in aluminum it would weigh under 400lbs so still able to be carried on lumber racks if you got some help to push it up and maybe some rollers, but would be easy to trailer and launch even with small car.

    Here is plans and build of strip plank version of standard size SportBoat.Robb White, Boatbuilder, Thomasville, Georgia

    sports boat.png

    PS-I guess my main question is "would the legendary easy planing and other Do It All aspects of the SportBoat translate intact if shape was same but size increased by 1.5x but area increased by 1.5x1.5 = 2.25 and volume/weight increased by 2.25x1.5=3.375???

    Sorta like how they can use small models of big airplanes in wind tunnels and get good data.

    The guy says his same size wooden very similar almost exact copy had similar and even better properties.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
  2. DCockey
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    DCockey Senior Member

    The enlarged canoe would fit with larger freight canoes which are still being built and used in Canada. Look at the 22 foot and 24 foot canoes built by Les Canots Nor-West Canoes Inc..
    fpjeepy05 likes this.
  3. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    those look about perfect. maybe I'll send them a letter to see how they feel about my multi-use concept, since those seem to be for outboard use only and I'm not seeing even oarlocks. I wonder how they'd sail if weight was far enough forward to keep transom out of water.

  4. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    My guess is all or almost all of the larger canoes built by Les Canots Nor-West Canoes Inc. are used for carrying "freight" to locations where road access is not available or for fishing.
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