Structural Design & Scantling with ISO 12215

Discussion in 'Education' started by Pablo Sopelana, Jul 18, 2023.

  1. Pablo Sopelana
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    I believe your link is, indeed, the link to the updated version. If you look at "General Information," you will find:

    - Status: Published
    - Publication date: 2019-05
    - Corrected version (en): 2023-11

    Also, if you open the Preview ("Read sample"), you can read, in the foreword, what corrections this updated version incorporates (errors in formulae, text and values in Clause 7, Clause 9, D.1.2, H.3.3, H.4, and Tables 12, 17, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.7, A.8, A.12, A.13, B.1, B.2, C.5, E.1, I.1 and K.1 have been corrected).

    In case of any doubt about the version and/or corrections you can send an email to:

    And yes, I agree: the management and information of the standards I believe could be way better ...

  2. tyler029
    Joined: Mar 2024
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    tyler029 New Member

    ISO 12215 plays a pivotal role in ensuring robust structural design and scantling in marine engineering. Its meticulous standards provide a comprehensive framework for assessing the strength and integrity of vessels, enhancing safety at sea. Adhering to ISO 12215 safeguards against structural failures, contributing to the reliability of maritime structures.
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