Strucell cross linked pvcfoam china

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by guzzis3, Nov 6, 2018.

  1. guzzis3
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    guzzis3 Senior Member

    Thank you for your interest.

    I haven't done any work with it yet. I have been really sick this last year and haven't got anything done. I will update this thread once I have something to report.
  2. rob denney
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    rob denney Senior Member

    I have done tests with the Strucell and their H100 PET foam. No problem with either. I am placing a large order (vac consumables, glass and foam) into Brisbane in February, and another one in May/June. Also carbon from the US and epoxy from Aus. Both are near enough the same price as the Chinese stuff with none of the potential QC issues. If you (or anyone) want to share on either, pm me at

    Dejay and guzzis3 like this.
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Sorry to hear, I hope things can get on the up for you.
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  4. mojounwin
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    mojounwin Junior Member

    Hey Rob,
    What do you reckon the foam will cost you once it’s landed in Australia?
  5. guzzis3
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    guzzis3 Senior Member

    About half as much as divininycell/corecell etc. And they score and perforate for no extra charge.
  6. WoodSango
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    WoodSango Junior Member

    Hey Rob!

    Would you offer up a little more detail on that struCell foam testing you did? How’s it compare to Core Cell?

    I’m in the US and I’m receiving a quote now on some.

  7. rob denney
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    rob denney Senior Member

    Looked, performed and bonded the same as Divynicell. Would not be surprised if it was. No guarantees that what you get is what i got.
    Depending on how paranoid you are about China quality, it might help to say you were referred by Rob at Harryproa. I have just ordered a tonne of fibreglass, carbon and consumables from them, so if they think you are involved with me, they may be a little more thoughtful about quality and service. You may also get my bulk prices. Or not, your call. Also, check your tariff situation.
    WoodSango likes this.
  8. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    For infusion core; is it jist scored or does it need perfs for table side relief as well?

    Asking for the Sango guy and my personal edification.
  9. guzzis3
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    guzzis3 Senior Member

    Depends on your setup. If you use a flow media then you don't need anything in the foam. If you score both sides you probably don't need perforations but that resin stays in teh foam so slightly more weight and you will get some print through on teh score grid. If you score one side and use perforations you get a cleaner surface for the visible side. That is what I'd planned to do with the clean side outer hull and the scored side inside where you won't notice the pattern as much.

    As far as I can tell utek will score and perforate with no upcharge, they quote the same $ for plain or scored/perforated so it works out cheaper than using a flow layer and you save a bit of resin also.
  10. Graham Blyth
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    Graham Blyth New Member

    Hi guys. I see lots of correspondence on PVC (Termanto / Divinycell / Strucell). My company has a PVC foam processing section where we process PVC foam for most of the yacht builders in South Africa. Currently we process the PVC brand called MYcell (Maricell) as this is the foam of choice in South Africa, with regards to price and quality. We also export the foam to other countries as required. Strucell (China) and Termant0 (now called Divinycell) and MYcell (Italy) are all similar, and all have DNV-GL certification. I have ben involved in foam processing for 20 years now, so if I can help, please let me know.
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  11. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    UTEK Strucell mention here that they are "foundry of Airex and Diab".
    But this bit here mentions they started foam core in 2005 with Strucell P for domestic market "with the support of Chinese Academy of Science, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Sichuan University". Maybe they replaced previous manufacturers? Or only supply PET? Anyways they seem to be a good manufacturer.

    I'm wondering why their values are slightly different from these two sources.
    Strucell P60 PVC shear strength 0.76 vs 0.839. But for P80 it's 1.15 vs 1.06.
    Changzhou Utek Composite Co., Ltd.
    [Hot Item] Rigid PVC Foam Core for Rtm Process
    The values from their utek website seems to match Divinicell H exactly.
    Their values for PET also don't seem to match between the two sites. I guess you have to ask for most recent datasheets.

    They also have a PMI foam with 60 kg/m³ and shear strength of 0.95 Mpa. I think around 1 was a good number?
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2021
  12. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

  13. Ausiwik
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    Ausiwik Junior Member

    Hi Fallguy I know this is a bit old but in this post you stated “ lies “ what did that pertain to all that Dejay published or just certain sections .
    I’m specifically interested in Airex which I built my first boat within 1974 then it was Swiss manufactured,with no information but brilliant stuff

  14. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    oh, Dejay is a great contributor

    the lies was a horrible remark, but when one makes a claim their product's datasheet is exactly the same as another product; you know it is


    because the testing would show a variation
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