Strip Planking Videos

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Mat-C, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Mat-C
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    Mat-C Senior Member

    I came across this website with what looks to be quite a good introduction into strip planking, by the 'dry planking' method. Whilst guilding the lilly just a little by claiming that they developed the method (I've seen it around for years...), it does look like it would be a quite neat way of doing it.
    Was just wondering what you guys think of it... and the designs of the boats on the site in general (I remember the designer in question tried to promote one of his designs here a fair while back and it got a bit of a belting... he hasn't been back...:D)
  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    What is the website?
  3. Mat-C
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    Mat-C Senior Member

  4. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Mark seems like a pretty straitforward & cluey bloke, I wouldn't mind one of his Bosun 23's myself. The dry method of planking has been around for a long time, I think its important that if you go that way to have the "gap" right through as he demonstates to ensure a continuous glue line. I don't reckon he got belted so bad........... just left the sand pit so to speak & got on with the game elsewhere.... come to think of it one of his antagonists got booted & some petty judgment on the relative validity of certain qualifications. Regards from Jeff.
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  5. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    ....ah come on fellas, you paid nothing to see the video, so for your money, we have done may be rough, but it works and with a bit of finesse, it works well.
    Personally, I would like to see a stem piece installed at the bows to strengthen and cover the end planks.
  6. Oceansky
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    Oceansky Junior Member

    Glad you liked the videos LandLubber.
    Actually, at the time I had no intention of making any video's, but that night whilst planking I decided "why not".
    So I walked inside, grabbed the camera, my wife and we started.

    She did say to me,
    " Do you know what your going to say?"
    "Havn't a clue, Just push the button and lets see where it goes."

    When the camera filled, I walked inside and loaded it onto the computer, grabbed a quick coffee and started the next lot.

    So there it is, no rehersals, practicing or polishing up..just "raw" footage and said as it is.

    Yes I could have polished it up, spent hours practicing and writing up some blog, but I'm not into the crap, I've got better things to do designing and building. So I decided tp keep it simple and unpolished, to the point and have some fun along the way.

    In regards to the method itself, we've been doing this since the 1980's, building recreational and commercial up to 50 ft long when we had a our previous boatbuilding company. One day whilst repairing a carvel planked vessels , hammering the hemp between plankings (caulking), I must have been drifting on the job and suddenly and idea came to mind. :idea:

    So after work, I grabbed some planks and I did as I describe on my videos. Presto..easy as anything and it worked. I then did a deflection test and impact test. Top one, they survived ! That's how I came across the idea. Maybe someone else has done something similiar, maybe they havn't. I don't care. This is how I came across it and if it works for you and makes your planking "life" easier, then I'm glad that I could have helped.

    Anyway, you have a good one and haveagreatweekend :D
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  7. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Thanks for posting them.
  8. Oceansky
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    Oceansky Junior Member

    Your Welcome Mate
  9. Mat-C
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    Mat-C Senior Member

    Thanks Mark... wasn't trying to have a dig or anything.... just wondered what others thought, that's all...

    Hmm... don't remember that... who and where was that?...
  10. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    Thanks for posting these videos.
  11. Oceansky
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    Oceansky Junior Member

    That's ok mate. No offence taken.

    Did they help out ??. Overall, it's pretty simple. Just take your time with it and in reality.. it doesn't take long to do.

    Have a good one
  12. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    The details are never important............ water finds it's own level. All the best from Jeff.
  13. Mat-C
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    Mat-C Senior Member

    Quite right Jeff... I found them myself anyway.... and you're right... experienced though he was... they were particularly abrasive comments... even for him!
    To my surprise... I found that I too had posted on the thread in question!
  14. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    Not yet but that's my fault. I have zero experience strip planking. Your videos make this method look like something I can handle. I hope to know for sure this autumn.

  15. Mat-C
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    Mat-C Senior Member

    I wonder how the weight would compare to a more traditional "wet" process, like bead and cove? The increases amount of glue must add to the weight of the structure - especially if there is significant arthwatrship curvature in the sections... then you'd get considerably more than the min 3mm gap...
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