Stringer layout plan

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Pnyboyk17, Jun 25, 2023.

  1. Pnyboyk17
    Joined: Jun 2023
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    Pnyboyk17 New Member

    Hello all!. I apologize if I posted in the wrong location. My start to my Thread is redoing my stringers from the horribly butcher job I did my first time around. I have a 1973 Muskie 550 bowrider and needed stringers and floors done. I got hardwood as marine grade where i am is WAY more then it should be. What I did was cut out the rotted wood then put new wood beside it, used automotive fiberglass filler, Yes I know, my butt was already kicked. Doing this and not paying attention my floor is rasied but 1.5 inches. I noticed that with my stingers, Didnt before because soft wood. My consoles have next to no lower support. I want to support my consoles, have in floor storage, change my seats and run a bigger fuel tank as my wife and I want to travel a bit. Im looking for advice how to do this.

    Attached Files:

  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum PNY.

    Could you perhaps explain / describe what we are looking at in your photos above please?
    It looks like you have stuck in new hardwood longitudinal stringers, and then applied some tabbing / overlaminations.
    What was the laminate schedule you used for tabbing in the stringers to the hull?
    In the third photo it looks like you have thrown in some 2 part expanding foam - I hope it is closed cell foam. Are you intending to add some more?

    In this video below, the poster appears to have a sister ship to yours, and he briefly shows how he has also replaced the stringers halfway through the video.

    Re how you 'want to travel a bit', I presume that this would be on Lake Ontario? How far do you want to travel, and how far away from the nearest land?
  3. Pnyboyk17
    Joined: Jun 2023
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    Pnyboyk17 New Member

    Thank you Bajansailor.
    I screwed in the plywood then used bondo longstran fiberglass as my bonding material. The photos are the repairs I had done but the center stringer Id like to remove just aft of my conoles for storage and move my second stringers centerward to be able to open up some storage and strenghten for captin style seats.
    Yes that is closed cell but its spray in. I would be removing all foam and doing a 2part expanding foam. Yes travel would be Trent/Severn water way as well was lake Ontario, Erie, Huron, Georgian Bay.
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