Stretched a 23 SC to a 28 Integrated Transom

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by BravoPB, Aug 11, 2024.

  1. BravoPB
    Joined: Mar 2022
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    BravoPB New Member

    Decided to finally post up my most recent projects at my company Bravo Powerboats. Long story short...i obtained a 24.5' mold that was a splash of a Seacraft 23. Whoever splashed that mold had added an integrated transom to it but i wasn't happy with the look nor the size. Originally the pockets of the trim tabs as well were completely open and i just thought it looked beyond ugly they way they had made it so i made some quick side pocket molds to cover it up. At the time i had a business partner and he had all the wrong directions made some changes to the company and rerouted everything. We only made one complete boat prior out of the setup we got. I wasn't happy with the deck, pulpit nor the length so shortly after i send the deck to the dump and grabbed the saw and started cutting. We cut off the pulpit and transom bringing it back to the Original 23' where i then extended it with the help of our carpenter Cortes (owned Mirage Powerboats back in the day he's a very well known carpenter/plug maker, many of you guys might know of him) This build should all be done hopefully within the next 6 months where i will pull the molds off all the pieces. Ask away at all the questions you have and input on design as we are still in the building stages.















  2. BravoPB
    Joined: Mar 2022
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    Location: Miami FL

    BravoPB New Member

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