Stitch and Glue Boat - HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Materials' started by paul_b32643, May 2, 2012.

  1. paul_b32643
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    Location: high springs, florida

    paul_b32643 New Member

    Talked with a supply company about building a stitch and glue boat. Was told not to buy Epoxy resin unless using for scarf joints, because of the heat in Florida would make the fiberglass too flexible. Please Help!
    (Every boat builder set of plans I have looked at says Epoxy resin not Polyester for fiberglass work and scarf joints)
  2. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Always use epoxy!!!! specially for scarf joins!!:p:D:D:p

    Polyester is a laminating material not a glue !! doesnt matter what you mix with it !!!:confused::mad:
  3. Silver Raven
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    Silver Raven Senior Member

    Gooday 'Paul' 1/ 'Tunnels' is right. 2/ Supply Co is full of 'crocodile poop'.
    Polyester 'can' be a good laminating resin but can't match it with a good epoxy. I've been using epoxy for 'stich-&-glue' for over 30 years & never had a failure - both in my personal life [in building 'A' & 'B' class catamarans] & in my boat building & repair business.

    'Tunnels' got it totally right - use epoxy is your only successful choice!! Good luck with your project. Ciao, james
  4. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    The taped seam (stitch and glue, etc.) building methods wouldn't exisit without the elongation and peel strength properties of epoxy. No other resin system can compare or should be considered. I'm in Florida (not very far from you) and I don't have issues with 'glass or epoxy use, so the best advice you could receive, is to stop listening to the supplier, offering advice on things they don't understand. Who was this "supply company"?
  5. paul_b32643
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    paul_b32643 New Member

    Thank You Tunnels, Silver Raven and PAR for setting my mind at ease. When I first received the information, I was completely in Shock!!!
  6. paul_b32643
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    paul_b32643 New Member

    In Shock about being told to use polyester over Epoxy, when all my notes and findings read "Epoxy". Thanks again.
  7. hoytedow
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I would find a different "supply company". Welcome to the forum.
  8. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    That advice makes no sense.

    Florida, in fact, is one of the best places in the country to use epoxy because you can get it to kick fast enough (to full cure) to get some work done.

    The supplier seems to be getting all confused about HDT or something.
  9. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    simple rule of thumb is

    Epoxy it the top of the resin ladder !! polyester is the bottom and vinylester is some where in between with simular properties of each is some cases!!
    Theres a long list of each and every one of these systems so dont just grab the first one you come to !! choose carefully and find the best of the best suited for your particular situation !!.
    Suppliers havent even found the trail to get to the evolutionary ladder yet so what can you exspect !!. ;):D:p

  10. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    This is very good advice.

    I have 3 different types of epoxy for my build because there are different situations for each (infusion, hand laminating glass and general bonding/fillet/coves, etc...).

    Also, my temperatures range from 40F at night in the winter to about 100+F during the day in the summer at times.

    It was important to have epoxy that covered those temperature variations as well as the different physical requirements of the build.

    Try to figure out how you will use the epoxy (sounds like doing biaxial tape jobs, coves and maybe sheathing the outside of the boat).

    One epoxy should work well for all of this, but make sure it has a flexible hardener system that allows you to work at any temperatures you might encounter and control the kick rate.

    Listening to Tunnel's advice there will make your build a lot easier.
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